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Posted By: DougE M3'S with QS2'S, QS4'S, QS8'S?? - 02/11/05 03:17 AM
I was wondering about running some QS2's with my M3's for rear surrounds I have a paradigm cenrer that I am powering with A yamaha 5280 receiver...I will be using mainly for movies and some music....Am I better off getting the 4's or 8's for my rears....The 2's are coming to me at a good price.....but you know.....get what you pay for....thanks
Posted By: bridgman Re: M3'S with QS2'S, QS4'S, QS8'S?? - 02/11/05 03:30 AM
As a labour saving initiative I have added the following question to my signature :
Posted By: DougE Re: M3'S with QS2'S, QS4'S, QS8'S?? - 02/11/05 03:48 AM
Oh....16 by 22....8 ft. ceiling
Posted By: bridgman Re: M3'S with QS2'S, QS4'S, QS8'S?? - 02/11/05 03:55 AM
If I remember correctly the QS2s have 3.5" woofers, QS4s have 4.5" woofers and QS8s have 5.5" woofers. If you're using more than a corner of that room size for your system then you might find the QS2s are a bit small and have to work too hard...

I don't have a lot of experience with different surround speakers though, so take all this with a grain of salt.

If you are only using part of the room for your listening area then the QS2s would be fine.

Will you be running the speakers in "small" mode, ie do you have a subwoofer the LF signals can be routed to, or do the surrounds have to handle all the frequencies ?
Posted By: DougE Re: M3'S with QS2'S, QS4'S, QS8'S?? - 02/11/05 04:08 AM
No sub yet....I am actually running system on long side of room M3's throwing 13 to 16' to wall
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