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Posted By: Seabear double sided Velcro - The Bomb! - 02/21/05 04:47 PM
I don't now which one of you I got this from (for some reason I am guessing Ray, but I might be wrong)but the hint about using the double sided Velcro to group and route cables has changed my life!
I cannot believe I never thought of this before, as I use it for strapping stuff to my motorcycle, use it for fishing gear and on the boat, and use it in my workshop for everything from hoses and extension chords to strapping tools together.
What an amazing revelation!
(and, I even figured out that you can cut pieces in half length-wise and double your mileage.
Goodbye Zip-ties, plastic twisties and electrical tape!
Posted By: Ray3 Re: double sided Velcro - The Bomb! - 02/21/05 05:05 PM
I'm not sure if I posted anything on the velcro or not (I use it). If so, it had to be awhile ago.

You might also consider white electrical tape if you need to mark the ends of multiple wires. You can write on it and it works very well.
Posted By: Seabear Re: double sided Velcro - The Bomb! - 02/21/05 05:09 PM
Yeah, I saved a whole box full of old cassette lables that I use for that.
OK, enough playing, back to setting up the system!
(after I had it all in the shelf system last night I got up this morning and decided to change it around! That is what got me up here to thank whoever on the velcro!)

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