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Posted By: emedwhat Stand for QS4 - 07/31/05 07:47 AM
I have 2 QS4s. I do not want to hook them on my living room wall. Otherwise, I will have disagreement with my wife. On the other hand, the axiom stands for QS4 are too expensive. Is there any alternative way or source to have a stand?
Posted By: bridgman Re: Stand for QS4 - 07/31/05 02:44 PM
I never got around to trying this, but I always figured one could make good cheap stands for QS speakers with a few pieces of plywood :

Crude model :

- vertical piece about 30" tall and the width of the qs
- horizontal piece about the same width and maybe a foot long
- diagonal piece
- a few short pieces of 2x2
- three or four rubber feet
- the 'T' bracket that comes with the QS

Stand would be a basic L shape with the short piece running forward from the bottom of the long piece forming a foot. Two short pieces of 2x2 along the joint to connect them, with the diagonal plywood piece and a couple more 2x2 pieces to give the joint some rigidity.

Elegant version :

- same idea, but replace the vertical piece with a couple of edge-on 1x2s (something strong - oak/maple) and a cross-piece at the top to mount the T-bracket

- either diagonal 1x2s for bracing or plywood squares to keep the verticals lined up

Should be an easy afternoon hobby thing... draw it up carefully and Home Depot etc.. will do all the cutting...
Posted By: emedwhat Re: Stand for QS4 - 07/31/05 03:17 PM
OK, thank you for all nice explanation.

Actually, I am not a skillfull person for such kind of things, but I will try it. (I prefer an "of the shelf" one):)
Posted By: bridgman Re: Stand for QS4 - 07/31/05 05:33 PM
>>I prefer an "off the shelf" one

Ahh, then I have the perfect answer for you. Show your wife the following picture, suggest that this approach on a couple of handy shelves would work well...

... then go get the proper QS4 stands with full approval from your family

Posted By: emedwhat Re: Stand for QS4 - 08/01/05 02:40 AM
Thanks for your support bridgman. Once I finish my stand prject, I will share the result with you.
Posted By: shag Re: Stand for QS4 - 08/01/05 01:16 PM
If at all possible, I would recommend getting the stands from Axiom. They may be expensive but they are built perfectly for the speakers and look great. I love them. They do have a unique look and I always get comments on them from friends.

Mounting on the wall was never a consideration for me and just ordered the stands when I ordered the speakers.
Posted By: emedwhat Re: Stand for QS4 - 02/03/06 10:58 AM
Heey, I finally convienced my wife and bought stand from Axiom for my QS4. They look very nice they received WAF from my wife.
Posted By: bridgman Re: Stand for QS4 - 02/04/06 04:33 AM
For what it's worth, I also ordered the Axiom stands about a week ago and hope to get rid of the soup cans this weekend.
Posted By: emedwhat Re: Stand for QS4 - 02/04/06 04:27 PM
Very good news. Congs...
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