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Posted By: bugbitten 50 inch plasma or LCD - 12/11/05 03:32 PM
Going shopping this am. I have seen a Sony 50 inch Pro Plasma monitor. 1366 x 768 and Sony 50 inch Sxrd 1920 x 1080 LCD. Same store. Both are 3600.

I like both. Thoughts?
Posted By: ratpack Re: 50 inch plasma or LCD - 12/11/05 05:33 PM
Bug: you know that I like my 60" SXRD. It is LCOS not LCD.

Best of luck shopping.
Posted By: bugbitten Re: 50 inch plasma or LCD - 12/11/05 05:49 PM
Rat. I was hoping for your opinion this am. My son thinks the SXRD is the TV for me. My current 42 plasma is 1024x1024. I can't see going less. The 42 will go in my son's room. We will make the switch Christmas Eve.
Posted By: dmn23 Re: 50 inch plasma or LCD - 12/12/05 03:57 AM
In reply to:

The 42 will go in my son's room.

Any interest in adopting a 35 year old?

Posted By: KC23 Re: 50 inch plasma or LCD - 12/12/05 03:37 PM
Pioneer Elete 50" plasma. Still haven't seen anything better myself.

Best bang for the buck might be the Panasonic. Sharps aren't cheap, but also a good choice IMHO.
Posted By: bugbitten Re: 50 inch plasma or LCD - 12/12/05 04:01 PM
I looked at a Mitsu 627 52 DLP and a Sony SXRD 50 LCoS Sunday. Both 50 inch. 3699 and 3599 rspectively. Totally awesome HD pictures. Should make a purchase on Wednesday.
Posted By: bugbitten Re: 50 inch plasma or LCD - 12/12/05 04:04 PM
In reply to:

Any interest in adopting a 35 year old?

dmn23. You are close enough for weekend visits. I'm doing my shopping at HiFiBuys Nashville.
Posted By: ratpack Re: 50 inch plasma or LCD - 12/12/05 11:28 PM
Bug: before you actually buy either the Sony or the Mits, give both a good second look. First, get both on a HD feed of some sort (viewing both at the same time) and look at peoples faces for detail, shading, texture, realism and edge effects. Then, get both on a SD feed of some sort(viewing both at the same time) and look for the same things.

I saw a distinct difference between the Mits and Sony which I attribute to the difference between DLP and LCOS technology.
Posted By: ratpack Re: 50 inch plasma or LCD - 12/12/05 11:29 PM
Oh, I forgot one other thing. Look at the blacks and the shading toward absolute black between the two.
Posted By: bugbitten Re: 50 inch plasma or LCD - 12/13/05 12:37 AM
In reply to:

Look at the blacks and the shading toward absolute black between the two

I did notice this at the side by side and I would give a slight nod to the Sony.
Posted By: RickF Re: 50 inch plasma or LCD - 12/13/05 05:34 AM
Regarding the Sony LCD, I just happened to come across this unusual problem that was linked on the Audioholics site.
Posted By: Newf Re: 50 inch plasma or LCD - 12/13/05 06:06 PM
wow, that makes me think twice about Sony again. Clearly a problem, and it looks like a bunch of owners that are basically screwed

Leaning towards a Panny Plasma now.
Posted By: Capn_Pickard Re: 50 inch plasma or LCD - 12/13/05 06:19 PM
Totally agree about the Pioneer Elite's. They are simply (IMHO) the best television on the market right now, especially in the 50" variety. I recently saw the Sony SXRD (the LCOS one with 1080p) directly next to a 50" Pio Elite. I found the blacks to be better on the Pio (but still extremely good on the Sony) and contrast to be good on both. I saw more "digital artifacting" in the Sony than in the Plasma, which suffers more from smear than pixelation. That said, the Pio really didn't "smear" much, even in fast motion, whereas pixel breakup was common, especially on fast motion or jump cuts in scenes. In addition, I found there to be some pixel errors around letters and tickers (like the clock in a football game) which bugged me.

If money were not an issue, then I would have a 50" Pio in my home right now over either the Sony LCOS or any other current set (haven't seen DLP 1080p yet). Because $ is an issue, I'll have to wait...
Posted By: ratpack Re: 50 inch plasma or LCD - 12/14/05 12:29 AM
capn: can't comment on the Sony versus the Pioneer. Didn't compare the two.

All I can say is that I am extremely happy with my Sony.
Posted By: bugbitten Re: 50 inch plasma or LCD - 12/14/05 01:57 AM
The 768 resolution on the Pioneer is not quite as good as my Sony 1024 but the Pioneer is true 16 x 9. I just think that 1080 should be somewhere in the mix.

My Sony plasma and the Pioneer plasma do have great pictures.
Posted By: bugbitten Re: 50 inch plasma or LCD - 12/15/05 01:35 AM
Bought the 50 inch SXRD LCoS today. It fit in the back of the suburban.

Now the bad news. The wife says can't open until Christmas.

At least I know what Santa's bringing me.
Posted By: ratpack Re: 50 inch plasma or LCD - 12/15/05 03:33 AM
Congratulations Bug!!!!!!!!!!

My Sony looked GREAT right out of the box. If you like, after you get a 100 or so hours on the bulb, I'll send you the "tweaks" that my son developed. He thinks it makes the set look a little better. I changed mine to his settings, but I really don't see any difference.
Posted By: ratpack Re: 50 inch plasma or LCD - 12/17/05 03:34 PM
Bug: one other important thing.

What is the return policy of the store that you bought your TV from? There have been a small number of sets that have had problems.

Depending on how many days you have to return the set, you may want to take it out from under the tree and start using it. If that is really not an option, I would turn it on on Christmas day and leave it on 24/7 for several days.

If yours is one of the few defective sets, it should be obvious in a few days.

I would "request" a new set, don't have Sony repair come and try to fix it. The light engines are so new that most repairmen have little experience with them.

Not to dampen the joy of a new HDTV, but something to keep in the back of your mind.

Mine is still looking fine. Watched the Dallas - KC game last Sunday in HD, and, all I can say is WOW!!!
Posted By: bugbitten Re: 50 inch plasma or LCD - 12/17/05 04:16 PM

I have a No-Go on unwrapping before Christmas. But the place I deal with will let me bring it back if I might have any problems. The 24/7 is a good idea!

Thanks, Bug
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