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Thank goodness this weekend is about over! My sister and her two sons came in for a visit Friday night and left this afternoon. And while I love them all dearly, I'm glad to see this visit come to an end. Her youngest, now three, is quite a handful, to put it mildly. I have three daughters, each one was hit, pinched, and bitten by the little terror. If that were not enough, whenever he passed within arms legth of the M80s or the vp150, he would yank off the grill and push in the dust covers. This happened at least 4 times. The last one was a real pain to pop out. Now, my daughters are all fine but how about my other babies? Any damage done?
Posted By: player8 Re: We survived - but not without a scratch! - 02/20/05 08:50 PM
Wow, in my house spankings would have been issued.
Posted By: Wid Re: We survived - but not without a scratch! - 02/20/05 09:01 PM

Man that sucks to hear. I think I would send my sister a bill for each driver that was damaged.
Posted By: Haoleb Re: We survived - but not without a scratch! - 02/20/05 10:02 PM
I hope you saved the boxes, next time they come over stuff the kid in the box and duct tape em' in there for the weekend. Thats what id do
Don't know if any damage was done to the driver. How can I tell? He pushed in the dust cover a couple of times. It's back to normal now but it is not as firm as the others.

Will this effect performance?
Posted By: player8 Re: We survived - but not without a scratch! - 02/21/05 12:01 AM
Probably not, but just to teach them a lesson (and to be sure yourself) I'd replace the drivers and send them a bill.
Posted By: Ray3 Re: We survived - but not without a scratch! - 02/21/05 12:06 AM
This is PRECISELY why God invented duct tape. I admire your patience. I would have either crushed his head in the first seven minutes or thrown him AND my sister out into the street.
Ray i am appalled at your suggestion of duct tape. i would figure a man of your wise years would know that staples is a much more secure way to restrain a child. about 35-50 staples through the outer edge of the childs clothing to any wall in the house should have worked fine. and would not leave the sticky residue to clean up.
At that age you have to blame the parent for the child's behavior. Next time perhaps you should limit them to visiting you in your garage.
Posted By: Seabear Re: We survived - but not without a scratch! - 02/21/05 12:48 AM
Staggering. Simply Staggering.
Even with years of working on anger management I would have gone ballistic.
There are plenty of good suggestions above (I particularly like the staples!) but you might consider simply forwarding this thread on to your sister.
Does she not realize the effect that the little monster is having on everyone else?
I love my sister, and I love her two girls, but when they get out of control I suddenly morph into my Grandfather that kept all of us in line, and scare the living S**t out of them!
Sorry about the speakers man...
Hope they survived.
Actually to be honest at age three I took lipstick from my mother's purse and used it to "write" all over my aunt's new couch. I'm sure I looked for a set of speakers to ruin but it was the '40's and the war had just ended and money was at a premium...........
Posted By: Seabear Re: We survived - but not without a scratch! - 02/21/05 01:16 AM
and your father/uncle/grandfather probably beat the living s**t out of you and you NEVER EVER, EVER thought of doing such a thing again!
I know. The hitting thing is pretty NON-PC now a days.
But considering what monsters me and my brother were when we were growing up, if we had NOT been hit I shudder to think of what else we would have tried to get away with, above and beyond what we DID do!

Posted By: bray Re: We survived - but not without a scratch! - 02/21/05 01:48 AM
I'm with you Searbear. I'm the last of five (dad calls me #5) and if we hadnt gotten a good arse tanning every now and again, I think at least three of us would have ended up in prison.
Not me of course.
We were discussing over dinner how useful a short piece of rubber hose can be for ensuring clear understanding. How timely.

Seriously, you can scare the &^%$^% out of someone without actually hitting them, hope you at least got a chance to do that. If not I would have a long talk with your sister.

Sorry to hear about your speakers. I *think* they'll be OK but it might not hurt to give Axiom a call during the week and get their opinion.

Posted By: player8 Re: We survived - but not without a scratch! - 02/21/05 04:32 AM
You fellas are a bit older than me, but a good whipping still works these days. I'm only 20 and my dad whipped me until I was about twelve. My brother and I were well-behaved kids (especially comparatively to other kids and relatives) but whenever we pushed the envelope too far we got a not so friendly reminder to step back in line. To this day my dad threatens to "take me to the back yard." Fortunately I'm able to probably take him now, I just still kinda wonder what he's able to do if he's mad enough.

Many of my friends got spankings as well. I think we are the last of a generation getting whipped. Some of my younger cousins (ages 3-12) and some of my parents friends who also have young children; most of thier kids all behave terribly. And not one of those kids gets whipped and yet thier parents wonder why said little monster won't behave. If you can't tell, I'm in favor of a well-intentioned beating. I just hope I have an understanding wife or extremely well-behaved kids!
Well, I think the speakers are in good shape. Had the house to myself earlier and cranked up Toots Hibbert's latest - plenty of bass mixed with his unique voice gave the 80s a real workout. Sounded as usual - fantastic! I'll sleep easier tonight.

As for the suggested scare tactics - I like the staple idea as well, so long as they are air-gun applied!
Posted By: bigjohn Re: We survived - but not without a scratch! - 02/21/05 02:07 PM
i always laugh when i see the word "spankings".. i didnt get spanked, i got BEAT. always from dad, never mom.. she was the, "wait til your dad gets home" type. he had a 1/4 inch thick leather strap, that was about 5 inches wide, with a handle. he would get drunk and rowdy, and just start swinging. his usual aim was right about inbetween the ankles to about a foot above my butt-crack. that dang thing hurt no matter where he got you. the real funny part was, he had my name stamped in the leather(like on old cowboy belts), so when he got a good whack on your arse, i could go look in the miror, and see my name in big block letters, on my arse. he was a sick ole fella'

but, the way see it. i probably deserved about 75% of those beatings. without them, theres no telling what kind of trouble i would have gotten into. i DO spank/beat my 7 year old, but its open hand on butt. i do believe in harsh discipline when needed, but its got to be used sparingly. i noticed after a while, my son just kinda becomes immune, and it doesnt have the desired effect.

but, if he ever punches in my speakers, an arse-whuppin would most definitely be in order.

Posted By: Ajax Re: We survived - but not without a scratch! - 02/21/05 02:36 PM
I believe in corporal punishment, but the trick is to make the threat of it the controlling factor, and not the spanking itself. I don't know how he did it, but it was the thought of getting it from my father's belt that controlled me. He probably actually used it only two or three times my entire life. And, to my knowledge, never really left a mark. But, just the thought of it was terrifying.

My father was very big on consideration for others. If, because I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing, I stepped on someone's toes, literally or figuratively, I got a sharp crack on the back of my head with the fingers of an open hand. It stung, but didn't really hurt, and it sure got my attention. This was followed by the admonition "pay attention to what you're doing. There are other people in the world besides you."

Another important lesson learned from this was that I must bear the consequences of my actions. And, I grew up in an era when your misbehavior had consequences. I was also raised in the era when, if I got in trouble at school, or anywhere for that matter, LOOK OUT. I was in trouble at home too. If I screwed up; I payed for it. Imagine that!

He was also big on teaching me that no one was more important, or had more rights than I. BUT, that I was no more important, or had more rights, than anyone else.

In reality, it was the fear of displeasing my parents that made me avoid misbehaving. I was one of the lucky ones who had very good, loving (but hardly perfect) parents.
Well said...Now where is that staple gun...
Posted By: James_T Re: We survived - but not without a scratch! - 02/21/05 05:19 PM
Reading this thread I'm getting a vision of Dana Carvey as 'Grumpy Old Man' on SNL. "Back in my day..." "...and we liked it!"

Posted By: bigjohn Re: We survived - but not without a scratch! - 02/21/05 05:51 PM

AIR?? we didnt have air?

Posted By: bray Re: We survived - but not without a scratch! - 02/21/05 06:07 PM
I STILL like a good spanking every now and then.
Posted By: bigjohn Re: We survived - but not without a scratch! - 02/21/05 06:25 PM
TMI, man... TMI...

but since we are going that direction... i still like to put baby powder in my boxer/briefs every once and a while. hey, call me cooky, call me crazy, but it just feels GOOD!!!


Posted By: bray Re: We survived - but not without a scratch! - 02/21/05 06:38 PM
I'll stop now.

Baby powder huh?
Posted By: lomb7 Re: We survived - but not without a scratch! - 02/21/05 06:55 PM
This is going in a direction we should not go in...

My parents adopted five children (because they could not have any of their own) plus kept foster times growing up, there were as many as 13 of us. I was the oldest. Needless to say, most of the foster kids came from "problem" homes and had to be dealt with with differing forms of discipline, one of them being corporal punishment (spankings...they were legal then).

My Dad worked for Braniff Airlines (Jack and Ray should remember Braniff - ). He worked as a sheet metal mechanic, plying his trade with rivet guns and laminated fiberglass, repairing the planes. He took great pride in constructing paddles out of airline grade fiberglass, especially when it came to my brothers (actual blood brothers from a highly dysfunctional original family...long story to say the least). My father was ex Navy and was a stickler for discipline. We had numerous laminated fiberglass paddles hanging on the wall at home over the years. My Mom tired of sending me (loved that honor ) out to the willow tree for switches. My Mom was also of the "Wait until your Father gets home" crowd. That statement in and of itself was more than enough to enforce copitulation from any of us...Fiberglass hurts, plus, stings for an extra, extra, extra long time.

When we started getting into the 4th, 5th and 6th grades, my father constructed paddles for our teachers. Most of the teachers were female and liked the weight (light) and durability (almost unbreakable) of his construction. I never had them used on me at school, I knew better. BUT. One teacher had the copious distinction of actually having been able to break one of my Dad's paddles. Luckily, not on anyone in my family. My Dad took the broken pieces and mounted them on a plaque that hung over the teacher's desk until she retired. It carried a story that was passed down to future classes and that stigma alone prevented a considerable amount of disruptions in many classrooms.

D.J.M., I believe that a very good spanking was well deserved for the young man for both the mistreatment of your girls as well as the speakers. Repeated if necessary. Then, lock him out of the house. If he can't get to them, he can't hurt them (your girls or the speakers). I know it is tough trying to deal with a family member with a "problem" child but it is your right to have your family and personal items treated with respect.

Glad to hear everyone and everything are okay.

Hey, I knew someone who used to use a blow gun with the little round pellets to prevent kids from touching things that they did not need to...worked on animals too.

Posted By: bray Re: We survived - but not without a scratch! - 02/21/05 10:44 PM
"My Dad took the broken pieces and mounted them on a plaque that hung over the teacher's desk until she retired. It carried a story that was passed down to future classes and that stigma alone prevented a considerable amount of disruptions in many classrooms."

That reminds me of an episode of King Of The Hill.
The one where Peggy became "Paddleing Peggy Hill".
One of my favs.

Posted By: player8 Re: We survived - but not without a scratch! - 02/22/05 01:13 AM
Thats one of my favorites too. My favorite part is when Peggy pulls out the paddle in front of the guys and swings it through the air and all of them move their hips as if to dodge the paddle. Classic.
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