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Posted By: donjuanmiguel Ground Loop Finally gone! - 03/19/05 03:58 AM
Well, it took a while but I think my ground loop hum is finally gone. Funny thing, though. Everything I tried seemed to work for a while but then it would creep back. I tried to kill it at the cable tv by using Jensen's VRD-1FF. This seemed to work for a couple of days but then I noticed the hum again, albeit much lower than previously. Next I added a cheater plug. This worked great but it had me nervous as I have three young girls and didn't want them to have unaturally spiked hair. I went back to Jensen and purchased their SUB-1RR. It arrived yesterday and I installed it last night. Didn't take care of the hum. After thinking about it for a while, I decided to remove the VRD-1FF from the cable line and remove the cheater plug. Whammo! Humm gone.

The only thing I had to do next was recalibrate the sub. Now I have great sound, no hum, and no thumping during input switching.

These things sure let you know how anal you really are. At last. Now I can sleep...
Posted By: MarkSJohnson Re: Ground Loop Finally gone! - 03/20/05 10:54 PM
Hey John:
Thought I would post a quick "congratulations!". My wife says I'm like a "dog with a bone" when I have a problem I can't figure out... I just never let it go. It must be satisfying to finally rid yourself of that headache!

I don't know why this happens to me often, but sometimes I find I can miss new posts if there hasn't been a reply. I literally left this forum to go back to the "Main" page when I said to myself "was there just a post there with 0 replies?

I figured if I mentioned something, you'd get a bump as well!
Posted By: donjuanmiguel Re: Ground Loop Finally gone! - 03/21/05 01:28 AM
Yep. Your right on both points, Mark.

That ground loop was a real bugger to pick. I tried everthing from cutting all circuits to disconnecting then reconnecting all components and speakers but nothing seemed to reveal the source. The isolators are the only thing I could find that would help without the need for the cheater.

I figured that if anyone else was having the same problem, my post would help. Glad to see there were that many hits.

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