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This question is really for Alan, but I thought other Axiom owners might like to see his reply. I want, but do not need, to buy multi-channel reciever now. I'm running 2 channel now for M22's and MMG's (different rooms). I've been waiting to see what the Axiom electronics would be: product(s) and prices before I purchased. This, of course, means I'm holding off on buying Axiom center and surrounds too.

If i had some sense of what the product(s) would be, the price range, and if I'm looking at 3, 6, 9 or 12 month wait, it would help me decide if I should continue waiting. Also, if Alan said "you're crazy not to wait," i would actually pay attention to that advice. So, Alan, what do you think? Thanks
also running an HSU sub with those speakers
I don't know whether or not Alan will be able to provide any information, but I thought I'd make an observation in the meantime: It's really pretty interesting to me that so many of us feel such a loyalty to Axiom that we're looking forward to a new line of products sight-unseen (to the point of sometimes holding off on purchases).
Kinda like the good ol' days of:

"I'm a Chevy Man"


"I'm a Ford Man"


"I'm a Renault Man"

Or whatever!
Most industries will not reveal upcoming technologies let alone their release dates or prices.
I doubt you will get an answer on this.
Besides, waiting for a first revision release is kind of gutsy. There are always mass field trials to tweak the units.
If you are interested in multi channel amps and surround speakers, why wait? There's plenty of good options out there. Anthem amps are a good start. Used Anthems are amazing bargains.

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