
Fully understanding the concept (and expense ) of bigger is better and "MORE POWER", the 3805 or 3806 are excelent choices. Take a few minutes to get to the Denon website and do a compare of the 2106, 3805, 3806 and 4306.

They are all wonderful units and dependable. In your comparison, all you need to do is decide between featues, price and, well, testosterone.

The 2106 should give you all you need for your system and you wouldn't NEED to spend more. The 3805/6 are a sweet spot for you, delivering a bit more than may be required with a comensurate price. The 4306 is lilkely more than you need, but the price isn't comparatively stunning and it would provide neighborhood bragging rights for what you WANT. The 4806 is on the side of overkill (did I say that out loud?? ) and is very expensive, but would add several debits to your man card.

Even with all of the incredibly incisive detail I have provided here and your soon-to-be-done trip to the Denon site to compare, you still need to decide what you really want. Your comments in this thread indicate the classic need/want conflict we endure with this hobby.

I will also share with you that I originally bought an 1803 that was more than adequate to power my setup, but I WANTED a 3803. After 11 months of ringing my hands, I sold the 1803 and bought the 3803. Happy Guy. If you are also the type to chew on yourself, make the happy decision upfront.

Good Luck with the hunt.