As always, bless you Mr. Russell.

JohnK's got a point - suddenly at 50ft, 1 inch... you're not going to suddenly be disappointed with your 16ga in-wall.

All literature is going to tell you something different, Crown amps, for instance, suggest that a damping factor of 500 is good for home hi-fi (and you can get away with 75 in live event audio)... your setup (consulting their nomograph) gives a damping factor of 20, which they'd suggest is good enough for panhandlers and micing the Farmer Says. Not surprisingly, they tried to sell us an IQ System along with our Com-Tech 1600 & 800 amps to help make this dream a reality, so take that all with a grain of salt.

Oh, and consulting the nomograph, they'd have you using AWG#2 wire at 50 feet.

Bren R.