
You might want to download and read each manual for the 805, 875 and 905. I’ve done some reading, but quickly got bored and filed them away for future reference. I’m waiting for 08 to see what else hits the streets before I buy something different, so I fail to see the need to get too far into the ‘shopping’ mode right now.

One thing I would really like to have, is independent source profiles for both video and audio. I have noticed a significant disparity between my sources with both audio and video. I can set up video input profiles for source with my DVDO VP-50, but I’m stuck with one audio profile. I use an SDI modified Oppo 981 for SDdvd, a Toshiba A2 for HD/dvd and a PS3 for BR/dvd and a satellite receiver. Each one of these has different channel levels, so every time I switch to a different source, they sound different.

My next audio processor will most definitely have this feature.

I’m not sure about the 875 and 805, but I’m pretty sure that the 905 has source input profiling for both audio and video. I also ‘think’ the 905 has noise reduction settings whereas the 875 does not…..but again, I’m not positive about that. Noise reduction is the best video enhancement you will find for SD/dvd and SD satellite/cable. Mosquito noise reduction is the best one on the market right now. If the 905 (or 875) has this over the 805, it's well worth the extra cost. You would have to spend over $1000 to get this in a stand alone noise reduction unit.