Here's what happened: I was not even in the market for cables. I had a pair of 10 guage cables from LAT International and never gave the higher priced spread any thought. (I'm no big high end guy.) A neighbor college kid is something of an entreprenuer and is sort of a dealer. One day he brought over 4 sets of cables and says, "Do me a favor and see if any of these grab you." I don't see much difference on the first three and I think the Tara Labs cable might possibly be a little annoying- too upfront, maybe. Then I check out these gray cables, not even knowing what they were. After a while I'm thinking the system is smoother and the bass is more palpable. I take them out and the magic is gone and the system seems dirtier, more irritating. After doing this a few more times I keep getting this satisfying reaction and find out they are Custom House Cable Barracudas. I found their website and read a review that sounded similar to my experience. Maybe I wasn't so crazy. I had him get me a pair. I missed not having them and was happy again when my own pair came.
Again, I would have no faith in my ability to discern the difference in a blind test. But the things that annoyed me about my system are virtually gone. The neghbor kid says the SuperOnes sound better than they have in other systems he's heard. (And it is a paneled and plaster basement room with tile floor and less than ideal placement.) I may be crazy, but the placebo effect is very pleasing.