I just woke up from one of my weirder dreams, and unfortunately the details are already fading. A lot of it took place in a mall, like several of my dreams have. I don't remember who I was with, but I decided in my dream that I was dreaming and started exerting control over what was going on. I've never had a dream like that, and I don't really think this one qualified, but I THOUGHT in my dream that it was that kind of dream. Anyway, I can't even remember what I was making happen, but after I would make it happen, I would turn to whoever I was with in the mall and do an exaggerated double thumbs-up and say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

Oh, one thing came back to me. I was in a store which sold... maybe electronics... or movies and music and what not, but their layout was actually pretty sparse, and my mall-walking companion and I (wish I could remember who it was) had entered in such a way as to make the glass front of the store shatter. The staff was mad and wouldn't serve us, instead causing Tron-like guys appear and try to subdue us. But since I believed I had control of my dream, I made the glass shards become a liquid and then reform into its former state. The dogs were called off.

Then we were looking for some club or restaurant or something with Paul Newman's name on it. I was thinking it was western-themed, I guess based on his Butch Cassidy character. We were having trouble locating it, so I asked a guy who looked like he wouldn't know where a western-themed club was. He was shaved completely bald and had glasses, and he sneered at me when I asked. The person I was walking with told me to ask this scruffy guy in a cowboy hat that was near us at that point, so I did, but he seemed even more clueless, and he must have had some kind of condition, as he couldn't really get out what he was trying to say. He may have also been drunk. Anyway, I used my dream powers to knock him away, and of course did the obligatory double thumbs-up/yeah-yeah-yeah chant.

I don't remember if there was anything between it or not, but the last thing I dreamed before waking up was a bit different. I dreamed I was in almost a nature kind of show, and a girl was showing me a creature that looked sort of like a huge oyster/Venus Flytrap that would trap similar-looking creatures inside itself. I commented to the girl on how it looked like it was eating smaller versions of itself, and the girl said yeah and laughed. Then we spotted a prehistoric-looking lizard creature with a huge fin on its back trucking along across the marsh. The girl, who seemed to be my guide, suddenly got scared and said we should leave. I asked her what the scary creature was called. She said it was a succubus. I asked her what it did. "It's a vampire," she said. We started running away. I can't remember if this part of the dream resolved or not. I may have woken up at this point.