Laura, sorry I missed this earlier. I have an Emo MPS-1 amp and now that I've got the bugs worked out, I'm a happy camper. Most of the bugs were due to other problems, but I didn't find the one Emo problem until I fixed the others. Before I put the sound system together, I decided to go "green" throughout the house and I installed compact fluoros. When I put the sound system in the buzz/humm was deafening. I tracked most of the humm to the ground screw on the EP500. The next biggest humm came from a ground loop issue with the cable for the TV. One of Axioms isolators did the trick there. Then I figured out that the compact fluoros in the room (and a few others on the same circuit) were the last cause. THEN I found the problem with an Emo amp module. Not a humm or buzz, but more like a lit fuse; a sort of crackling hiss. Emo took care of this without question.

Sounds like you have a solution, though.

