To ascertain what Axiom may put out or want to put out as 'new ideas' in the future will really come from the corporate direction that Axiom is moving or wants to move as a company.
That is to say, if Axiom has an interest in becoming the next Sony, the new ideas they may consider could be anything under the electronics category, starting with any X or Y.
If Axiom has an interest to stay close to what they started with, speakers, then one must assume their search for 'new ideas' will involve a venture in that specific regard.

In brief, what new ideas a customer council may be looking for has to be tied to what it is Axiom wants to be as a company.
I'm hoping the council asked that question of Ian and co. It is kind of an important piece of information before one can go looking for a ideas or solutions.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."