Thanks for chiming in on this, Ian. While there seems to be much more under the surface of this story, it's no one's business other than those directly involved (which does not include 99% of the people on any of the forums). I've just received my EP600 today and will (hopefully) enjoy it no matter what anyone on any forum has to say - it arrived as I started an 19 shift at work... literally and metaphorically the longest workday of my life. Those showing loyalty (blind or otherwise) do so for a reason. Those who joined in the nay-saying, well... that's another story. People are too easily swayed and that can be very damaging. Apparently, so can Purolator (but that's that's yet another story and my battle - my wife called to tell me that she could touch the speaker without taking what's left of the box off of it). Happy surfing all and watch out for those trolls!