From my very little experience with speackers:

I had a problem with my previous speackers from another brand.
I used single wire but the binding post had bad straps from the start.
The best thing i could do to avoid any sound issue was to cut few inch of speacker cable to rally the bass and midrange-trebbles binding post.
I tryed later to see if there was an improvement with biwiring.
With A+B And A alone.
Only change between mono wiring without straps and biwiring for me was a little increase in amp heat with biwiring. (Maybe a bad electric connection at some points.)
If you look for a speacker capable of bi amping (bewiring had no effect for me .)be sure to find one speacker with good binding post.
Currently I use my axiom m80 speackers that has good stock binding post and use mono wire.It does work perfect.
Some speacker brands prefer to use mono wiring binding post to avoid anny issue with straps ...