Hello All.

I was hoping that someone could help me out with the placement of my EP350. I am the proud owner of the Epic Grand Master 350 series. I am in the final stages of the home theater build and am having concerns on where to place the EP350. I have constructed a false wall for the screen wall in order to place the front and center channels behind an ATS (Acoustically Transparent screen.)
However the EP350 is a behemoth of a sub and I originally had planned on placing it just in front of the screen. I can still do this but it backs right up to the front row of seating due to space constraints. And with all the other speakers behind an ATS, the sub placement looks unsightly.
So now that you have the back story. I was wondering if it's possible to place the sub behind the wall with the front channels? Unfortunately this blog doesn't allow you to post pictures or else I would post some