OH OH! Don't trust this Craigsub bum.. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

Craig is a regular over at the av123 forum, as well as many others, and I just wanted to live up to our reputation over there.

I've followed Craig's work from nasty attacks on the HSU forum (Curtis, keep away from your keyboard ); through an agonizingly painful thread at the AVS forum (how he stood it, I'll never know); to an informative and educational experience over at the HomeTheaterSpot. For those who are unaware, he has been conducting shootouts between a number of subwoofer makes and models.

Keeping in mind that there is no such thing as a completely unbiased opinion, NOBODY could do a better job than Craig has done, and under very difficult circumstances. He has been accused of being a shill for various companies, but I've yet to see any hard evidence to prove those accusations. If he is a shill, he's got me fooled. (of course, I'm easily fooled)

I cannot speak for anyone else here at the forum, and I certainly can't speak for Axiom, but I'd love it if Craig would do some comparisons of Axioms and Rockets.

You may notice that he types in kind of a high, shrill voice (witness "hee hee" rather than "hah hah") That's what happens when you carry around 250 pound subwoofers a lot. And he's a relatively old guy, too.

Keep us posted please, Craig. And please stick around and comment. You would be a welcome addition here.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton