Well as luck would have it, the 1120 is defective. I finally hooked up yesterday afternoon, ran ARC and watched a couple of movies. Was pretty happy overall. Then this morning, I updated the firmware. After the update, it shut down under over-temp. Temp Sensor #2. I was wondering why the fan was running so much yesterday..... It has plenty of space all around it, and I am not using the internal amps either. I called Anthem and of cource, no warranty, but they told me it doesn't sound good. I can either ship it to them to fix, or try to fix it myself. At this point it doesn't matter if I screw it up. It'll be a good $1500 to ship it, fix it, ship it back to me...

Any suggestions for what I should look for inside the unit? Other than something obviously smoked that it.

And no, there will be no financial recourse with the seller or Ebay.