Ah yes, Michael, attitudes toward the death of a spouse do differ. Another example was the search that the CIA was conducting a few years ago for an assassin. After doing thorough background checks, three candidates for the job remained in the running. For the final test each of the applicants was handed a gun, informed that his wife was sitting in a chair in the next room, and told that he had to kill her. One immediately protested that he never could do something like that, and so was disqualified.

The second candidate walked into the next room, but a minute later came out with tears streaming down his face, saying that when he saw her he was too overcome to shoot. He was also disqualified, of course.

Then the third applicant walked to the room and almost immediately a string of thirteen shots was heard, followed by much banging and screaming. He came out somewhat disheveled looking and panting: "You didn't tell me the gun was loaded with f***ing blanks! I had to kill the bitch with the chair!"


Enjoy the music, not the equipment.