When we first got our M3s, we were in a 2900 cu ft room and they worked just fine-our listening position was about nine feet back. Speakers at eight feet apart.

Our current listening room is about 3900 cu ft and we're back about twelve feet. Speakers still at eight feet apart.(this dim. is cast in stone) Another problem is the room configuration-pretty bad. A brick fireplace on one side, and a large open area on the other. My imaging has left the building. In the old house I could almost determine the color of the outfits of the vocal accompianists-almost. The lead singers were usually right at the plane of the TV screen and oft times some of the instruments were out on the front porch, or so it seemed. (Really!)

I was a really really happy camper. Then we moved...

But Ya know, I just had an interesting thought-had we bought the M3s while living in This House, I probably wouldn't be giving them a positive indorsement.


Like I mentioned, the M3s work great, less the imaging degradation, most all of the time. All complaints are Intirely Room Related, the speakers are not at fault in any way. Also the contractor who built the house coupled with a very high negative WAF conspire against me as far as changing around the room layout. (There really is no way to rearrange to make things better)

So I'm gonna guess that if you have a more normal room, you Will be in for a nice suprise!