So today was my first encounter with an intersection crush. I was walking home from work, and while waiting at the light to walk across the street, I heard a guy in his car say, "So say something." I didn't think much of it, even though he was looking right at me. Then I heard some laughter, and I looked back to see a teenage girl in the backseat with her face close to the window, staring at me and mouthing something. She kept staring and smiling and trying to say something, but I couldn't tell what. I'm just going to assume it was a deep and abiding 10-second crush, though.

In other news, the super-cute coffee girl who likes flirting with me continues to like flirting with me, and one of the new ones smiled at me when I said hi to her today, which is the only time I've seen her smile.

Just to keep me grounded, Claire was kind enough to come in for dinner tonight and still be unavailable.