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Posted By: Wid Smokers - 05/06/07 11:54 PM
With all this talk about grilling and smoking I think a smoker is going to be what I want for fathers day. Now I know nothing about these things. What type is best in the quality of product, ease of use and of course good bang for the buck. I don't need anything huge just one that can accommodate something as large as a turkey and or a good size pork roast.

Price is going to be a factor also. Between $100 and $200 would be good.
Posted By: bridgman Re: Smokers - 05/07/07 12:45 AM
From what I can see the Weber Smokey Mountain (also known as the WSM or Weber bullet) is the most recommended by far. There are a number of sites that praise them and I have not really found a single serious criticism.

There are similar, less expensive smokers but all indications are that spending the extra $$ for the Weber is money very well spent. The main advantage seems to be much better airflow control, which lets you keep temperatures stable for hours without having to keep twiddling the controls.

Here's a site dedicated to the WSM
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