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My daughter got a call last Friday from a producer from WWE wrestling. They found her via YouTube and wanted her to sing the National Anthem for WWE Monday Nighty RAW. So hopefully, tonight they will air her singing on TV. 8 pm Central Time on USA Network.
Oh, and yes, Jerry Springer is "hosting" it tonight. Supposed to be over 15,000 tickets sold and they did tell her what to wear that would look good on TV, so here's hoping she is on because I am in New York for a business trip. That way I can see her.
Sounds cool and I’m glad you clarified the title since it sounded like she was going to be wrestling and I didn't think she would be old enough.
Wow, how crazy is that? Let us know how everything pans out.

P.S. Glad to hear she isn't wrestling ;\)
Send her our regards and the best of luck!
Good for her (and you too)!

YouTube link, just in case WWE doesn't air it?
Nick, hope your able to record it so we can see it at later time, don't have that network.
Maybe we'll see the Youtube version?

Even though she's not wrestling, maybe she could be one of those devious managers who clubs the 'good guy' with a cane when the ref is 'distracted'. \:D
Wow. Who knew it would develop out into all these branches. Please pass on my congratulations!

Can we start a petition to have her club the ref? I think that is a great idea. Even if they don't officially ask her to do it. No press is bad press for a rising star, right?????
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