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Posted By: Hambrabi Inflation? Or did Axiom's pricing DB break? - 06/14/22 11:16 PM
2022 is turning into a year of inflation. I don't remember ever filling up a gas tank for more than $100 ever. And some of my utility bills have gone up by 50%. But I noticed that some of the Axiom products have jumped.

The M5HP went from $1318 CDN a pair last week to $1977 this week. Similar price increases for many of the other speakers such as the M2 ($668 last week, $1002 today).

I think this is a pricing glitch, because there's two sets of pricing, the new inflated price, but if you click on "details", it'll take you to a link with the old pricing. Either that, or you better buy now and lock in your price before there's any new increases.
I just had a quick look and prices are showing the same as always in Canadian dollars. But you make a good point, things could go up for sure, inflation is pretty real these days.
Originally Posted by Hambrabi
I think this is a pricing glitch, because there's two sets of pricing, the new inflated price, but if you click on "details", it'll take you to a link with the old pricing
Think Axiom needs to start using a single source of truth on its website. What that means is that prices needed to be set in a single place and all the text and scripts access that single source.
I checked again this morning, and the prices are back to what they were last week. It was hard to stomach a 30% price increase, though I'm surprised that prices have been stable for the last couple of years.
Originally Posted by Hambrabi
I checked again this morning, and the prices are back to what they were last week. It was hard to stomach a 30% price increase, though I'm surprised that prices have been stable for the last couple of years.
Im hoping/hopefull that inflation will be gotten under control in the next few months ... seems that most of the reasons for it are caused by short term issues (except the Russian sanctions which need to be in place for a few years to be effective deterrent).
Looks like inflation caught up to Dwight ON, the Axiom website has a big "PRICE INCREASING AUGUST 15 DUE TO MATERIAL AND FREIGHT COSTS." banner since yesterday.

Inflation is on the news everywhere, all from the pent up demand after COVID, supply chain issues, geopolitical tensions, and demographics of a relatively large millennial cohort in the consumption-based phase of their lives. I'm surprised Axiom held the line on pricing as long as they did.

Unless they want to increase profitability the old fashioned way: sell a product line based on pseudoscience and price it as a Veblen good (where demand increases as prices increase, particularly in a consumer category where the primary utility sought is signaling prestige and flaunting advantage). smile
Posted By: Mojo Re: Inflation? Or did Axiom's pricing DB break? - 07/26/22 05:49 PM
I warned everyone back on April 30th. Prices are partly going up because of all the newbies calling in to find out if walnut sounds better than cherry.
Well mojo … guess that depends on how you like your sound colored.. wink
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