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Posted By: Sidereal Expensive QS8 Stand - 03/18/07 08:07 PM

i've just taken delivery of an Axiom system, and am busy determining speaker placement.

at one point, i stopped, and stared at this:

A pair of new QS8s rest on the old front speakers - a pair of Allison: Ones from nearly 30 years ago.

The QS8s resemble the old Allison: Fours, except the Fours did not have downward-firing drivers.

The Ones will be (hopefully) rebuilt, provided i can find a decent set of woofers. Anyone out there know where i might find a suitable replacement?


Posted By: snakeyes Re: Expensive QS8 Stand - 03/18/07 08:21 PM

Posted By: duckman Re: Expensive QS8 Stand - 03/19/07 04:28 AM
Man, I wanted a pair of those allisons bad when I was in high school. I want to say they were $1500 at the time- might as well been $15000. Wanted dcm timewindows in college- didn't get those either. Come to think of it, the dcms may have been $1500, either way...
Parts express has a pretty wide selection of drivers,not all of which are cheap, you might check there if you havn't already.
Posted By: MarkSJohnson Re: Expensive QS8 Stand - 03/19/07 12:15 PM
I had a pair of DCM TimeFrame 400's.... Let's just say that they don't compare at all to my Axioms!

Posted By: tomtuttle Re: Expensive QS8 Stand - 03/19/07 04:07 PM

But, aren't you supposed to use soup cans to prop them up?

Ditto on partsexpress. Seems like they should have something that would work.
Posted By: Sidereal Re: Expensive QS8 Stand - 03/20/07 01:31 PM
Duckman - we're in the same timeframe. i couldn't afford them either, but made a personal promise to eventually have them.

a few years later, the stock at the company i was working for split, and i couldn't think of anything better to do with the windfall

thanks everyone for the suggestions.

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