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Posted By: vivek How to clean / polish / maintain the speaker ? - 06/11/07 02:52 AM
Hello everyone,

I was wondering how you folks clean / polish / keep shining the wooden cabinets and have any suggestion to share.

I have the Axiom fronts, surrounds and sub-woofer all in cherry finish.

Thanks in advance.
Viv, there's really no special care required. I occasionally dust mine with a microfiber cloth like those used for car finish care.
You could call Axiom to see what they recommend. Sorry, I have custom vinyl and just use a swiffer now and then to keep them dusted.
I vacuume the dust off the tops and wipe them down with a microfiber cloth. I have the HG cherry and even the smallest little fingerprint is visible and bothers me. So i keep em shining their best

I vaccume and then wipe off all my gear once a week. I suppose you could say im a bit anal about keeping my stereo gear, and everything for that fact clean and brand new looking.
Pressure Washer.

Well, I don't own the Algonquins yet, but when I do, that's how I'll clean them!
Noooooooooooo !!!
Swifter! A quick pass most everyday at about Mach .04 and all the electronics are clean!
The standard cherry vinyl is very resilient. If a guest uses a tower speaker for a coaster (it happens, I know) you can remove a ring with a damp cloth and it won't hurt the speaker finish at all. The real-wood finish is similarly tough - but mustard will stain it if you leave it on overnight. I'm not sure what circumstances would lead to that, but it was a warning in the product literature!

For general day-to-day care, the other suggestions are perfect - microfibre cloth or a vacuum with a duster attachment on it.

I'm not sure what circumstances would lead to that....

Hot dog fight.
Only problem I found with a vacumn is it can leave a static charge and attract dust particles. an anti static wiper thingy works best and keeps them dust free longer.
A Swiffer is the way to go.
I am not sure if someone mentioned this already, but I think that the swiffer is the way to go...
Same here.
Hey, how do you guys think something like a Swiffer would work?
Me too. Same thing. Swiffer. Me.
The speakers actually work better when you swiffer them 24 hours a day .

(Sorry, I just couldn't resist ).
Ha! Swiffers win.........take that, microfiber users.
Ummm, I clean mine with stolen women's underwear.
Instead of using swiffer wipes/pads specifically for cleaning speakers and electronics, I've found that re-using anti-static softener sheets from loads of laundry works great, as well. Instead of tossing those used dryer sheets, save them and use them for dusting purposes. They retain a moderate amount of anti-static capabilities and they're soft enough not to damage any precious finishes. Plus, it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy knowing that you're getting some additional use out of a product that you'd otherwise just toss in the trash.
Mmm, I use the dryer sheets too. They work, people always comment how clean and fresh my speaker smell. ...I just tell them it's because they're from Canada.
But really, I did try it and thought how cool is this. In between dryer sheets however I use (not swifter) the Pledge "grab it", "dry cloth", the same thing I use on my TV screen. I can't stress enough to use ONLY THE DRY ONES. My friend bought the wrong one (with polish) and it's a good think I was able to warn him prior to using them (on his TV).
If you toss those dryer sheets in the ol' hockey bag, it helps keep things... more fresh.

Instead of using swiffer wipes/pads specifically for cleaning speakers and electronics, I've found that re-using anti-static softener sheets from loads of laundry works great, as well. Instead of tossing those used dryer sheets, save them and use them for dusting purposes. They retain a moderate amount of anti-static capabilities and they're soft enough not to damage any precious finishes. Plus, it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy knowing that you're getting some additional use out of a product that you'd otherwise just toss in the trash.

Re-use is good. Microfiber is better. 83,000 tons of swiffer/one use cloths were disposed of into landfills in 2005. And they are not biodegradeable.
Ditto that microfiber. My wife is really big on not using single-use/disposable cleaning products, but eve she has bowed to the convenience of Clorox (or clorox-like) wipes. Maybe I'll pass that statistic on to her.
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