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Posted By: photon Home theatre furniture.. (Calgary or online) - 09/20/07 06:03 PM
I'm looking for a bookshelf type stand for my equipment, and I'm finding that furniture stores don't seem to stock that kind of thing. It has to be pretty deep to handle a big receiver or amp, with good cable management.

Trying to stay away from the black and glass look, want something more wood and traditional looking.

Anyone have any recommendations of places to look? I don't mind paying shipping for something nice.

Thanks in advance.
Interested in this as well. All the stuff in stores are made for play toy stuff and not real equipment. We've been looking for nice theater furniture for a while now and I've been fighting off the wife who wants to buy the first thing she sees.

General Audio in south Calgary deals with several higher-end manufactures including In fact, I'm going there Saturday to nose through some of their products sheets myself.
Not an audio stand, but found some good prices for theatre seating:
For seating, you can also try:

I'm just about to buy some seating from Palliser which is made here in Canada, but if I want the best price I'll have to buy it from this place, which is in the US. I'll save over $1000 ordering it from the US just so it can be shipped to me directly from Palliser Canada. Not even the Palliser store here in Calgary could come close to the cost of this stuff from a US distributor. What's wrong with this country?
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