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Posted By: Rob Newbie HT Speaker Advice - 01/14/03 04:42 PM
Hi, I am re-finishing the lower level to our house and am dedicating a 12 x 16 foot space for a home theater. I'm trying to put together a great sounding system for around 70 percent movies, 30 percent music (jazz, blues, bluegrass) and though I haven't heard them yet, am pretty sure about getting Axiom speakers to run with my Denon AVR 1803.

I was planning on M22's for front/mains, VP100 or M2i for center, Qs4's for side surrounds, and M2i's for rear surrounds, and for now, using my Velodyne CT100 sub.

The questions I have are:

1. For this room, would this be a good combination?

2. Can you turn M2's on their side without effecting their sound (I would be building hanging stands that would partially recess the M2 rears into the ceiling to keep them the same height as the QS4's - they would be angled down slightly)

3. Would the M2's be a good choice for rear surrounds?

4. VP100 or M2 for center speaker?

Thanks in advance for any help, I'm new to HT, but am pretty well sold on Axiom's thanks to great reviews and everyone's advice through the message board.

Any Ideas are greatly appreciated!
Posted By: Patchwork Re: Newbie HT Speaker Advice - 01/14/03 04:48 PM
get bigger speakers

go with M60's, QS8's, and a VP150.
Posted By: alan Re: Newbie HT Speaker Advice - 01/14/03 05:16 PM

The M22ti's with your Velodyne sub will be fine for that size of room. Putting any speaker on its side will alter its tonal character, some more than others. Try it with one of your existing speakers and compare. Why not consider a pair of QS4s for the rear as well to preserve tonal consistency? Or use a singel QS4 at the center rear?

Posted By: Rob Re: Newbie HT Speaker Advice - 01/14/03 05:41 PM
Thanks Alan,

The reason I was thinking about the M2's instead of another QS4 or two, is because I had to frame around some plumbing on my back wall that effectively lowers my ceiling height about 6 inches (for the last 2 feet of ceiling). No big deal except that if I mounted speakers on the rear wall, they would be around 6 to 8 inches lower than my side surrounds. Will that cause any problems? Sounds like the QSX speakers are pretty versitile. Do you think 3 or 4 QS4's (given the rear wall mounting situation) would sound better than my original plan?

Thanks again for the advice!

Posted By: alan Re: Newbie HT Speaker Advice - 01/14/03 06:00 PM

No, it won't be a problem. The QS surrounds are very forgiving of asymmetrical placement. Mine at the sides are at different heights and distances, nor are they opposite each other, and they deliver a fine sense of envelopment.

Yes, I think 3 or 4 QS4s will sound better than the original plan. I'm an unrestrained enthusiast of multipolar surrounds, but I admit there are differing opinions.

Posted By: Rob Re: Newbie HT Speaker Advice - 01/14/03 07:52 PM
Thanks Alan - I'll take a look at my space again tonight. Do you think that there is an advantage to running 2 rear surrounds over 1? I'm wondering if 2 might be overkill for my smallish room? Just thought that seamless music and HT might work better with 4 total surrounds.

Posted By: alan Re: Newbie HT Speaker Advice - 01/14/03 09:47 PM

I kinda think two rear surrounds would be overkill for the size of the room. One would certainly add a nice enhancement, however.

Posted By: DanTana Re: Newbie HT Speaker Advice - 01/15/03 01:58 AM
I'm thinking of all 5 M2's myself, since they are 204.00 now in the outlet store. Personally, I would want all 3 fronts to be the same, give you a better soundstage with perfect timbre. QS8's would be the way to go to HT, but I hear for say DVD-A M2's would be the better choice.
Posted By: Rob Re: Newbie HT Speaker Advice - 01/15/03 03:48 PM
Thanks DanTana for your thoughts - I'm curious too about quadpolar speakers for DVD-A and CD's - and the M2's sound like a great speaker, especially if you combine them with a sub. Your right about the great price through the outlet, that's why I posted the question - because I was ready to order at least 2 M2's, even though I still have a little time to go before the room is ready! (I hate waiting!)

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