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Posted By: ptRyno iPhone/iPod Touch as a PS3 remote! - 04/11/08 05:31 PM
So I was casually glancing through a popular xbox website,, for no particular reason when I came across this article. Apparently there's a piece of software for the iPhone/iPod touch that enables it to be used as a remote control for an BD Live player, such as the PS3. I'll have to look for more info on this bit of software, sounds interesting.
Posted By: jakewash Re: iPhone/iPod Touch as a PS3 remote! - 04/11/08 06:14 PM
That software just might make me be able to convince my wife to let me get a PS3 as she has an ipod touch.
Posted By: ptRyno Re: iPhone/iPod Touch as a PS3 remote! - 04/11/08 09:43 PM
Well there you go. Maybe this will justify me getting both?

I could see how it could cause problems. You're trying to enjoy Space Ace on bluray and your wife, who's bored to tears, retreats to her iPod Touch upstairs and starts downloading all these goodies to your PS3 which interrupts the intense cartoon fire-fight that just broke out in high def. This could be bad, very bad.
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