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Posted By: g_la_rock surround placement - 01/30/03 11:20 PM
I currently have a pair of M3Tis VP100 and Qs4 that I just purchased. They sound nice except for the surrounds they sound good but seem very directional and draw attention to themselves. Now being that this is not a characteristic of the speakers generally I thought it may be my placement. I have a 15 x 15 bedroom where these reside. The couch which I use sits on the back wall. I set them up first about 30-35 inches above the listening position on the back wall. This was ok not great. To test whether it could be better I put them on the side wall 3.5 inches from the back wall about 30-35 inches above the listening position. They seem more directional now. Right now they are sort of distracting and as much as I enjoy the speakers I just would like to know if it is my fault that they sound distracting and if so if there is anything I can do to remedy this.

If anyone can help I would really appreciate it. Thank you very much.
Posted By: ralderman Re: surround placement - 01/30/03 11:30 PM
I think you need to lower your M3's, and keep the vp100 up higher pointing towards the listening position. Place your M3's level or just above your listening position.

Posted By: g_la_rock Re: surround placement - 01/30/03 11:45 PM
I didn't explain very well in my post the m3's are used as the front speakers they are 24 inches off the ground the vp100 is 8 inches above them. I am using the QS4s for surround speakers they are the ones in back. The M3s are pretty even with listening position, they are not very far apart but that is a function of space that I don't have.
Posted By: JohnK Re: surround placement - 01/31/03 12:08 AM
As you note, directionality is definitely not a characteristic of the QSs. Your placement appears satisfactory, and the obvious question would be whether you simply have the level of the surrounds too high. This is a common reason for the surrounds drawing attention to themselves. Try your speaker level calibration again.
Posted By: g_la_rock Re: surround placement - 01/31/03 12:15 AM
Thank you why I hadn't thought of that as a reason I don't know. I used the H/K built-in SPL which may or may not be terribly accurate.
Posted By: g_la_rock Re: surround placement - 02/04/03 01:30 AM
For what it's worth I ran calibrations for all my modes again and the built in spl I had appeared to be bumping the surrounds too high. After re doing this myself the surrounds blend in beautifully. Thank you for the help it does appear that the surrounds were simply set wrong.
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