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Posted By: Nick B netflix set top box - 05/21/08 03:38 PM
Just saw that Netflix has a set top box from Roku for $100. It has all the possible video connections including component and hdmi. It can support up to 1080i although it probably will be a while until Netflix has title's of that quality.

This is pretty exciting since I already have a Netflix account so the downloads are free and unlimited. However, I know that the video quality on my 50" set won't be great. I just tried watching part of a movie on my 19" computer screen and it starts to look a little soft when it is full screen. My current download quality is high. I don't know if there is a highest quality (as opposed to high) since Netflix chooses the quality based on your connection speed. I have the best connection speed that I can get from my provider (4 Mbps download and .5 Mbps upload) so I don't think that I can improve it anyway. My wife might like this though since she doesn't seem to care about video quality. I get blank stares from her when I show her how good Blu-ray's look.

- Nick
Posted By: terzaghi Re: netflix set top box - 05/21/08 04:09 PM
yeah, I read about this yesterday. Kind of dismissed it as an option since I figured the video quality would suck. I haven/'t even watched one online movie with my netflxi account in the 6 months I have had it
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