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Posted By: Franco I GOT THE DENON!! - 07/26/03 05:30 AM
First off I just want to say thank you to everyone on this message board that responded to my post on" what receiver to get". I ended up settleing on the Denon AVR-1803. I purchased it on Ebay right now for $333.33. I went to price grabber, and all those other sites but for some reason they were on backorder like crazy! This 1803 must be awsome. This is my first Denon product ever. I went to good guys and listened to Yamaha rxv740 and a Denon avr-1803. Don't get me wrong, the yamaha sounded very nice, had all the bells and whistles but the Denon appealed to me more when the guy put on The Patriot with mel Gibson! He let me hear both receivers with the same speakers which were Klipsch rf5's i think. I also like the look of the Denon better than the yamaha. I'll tell you, I was settled on yamaha until I listened to them both then I changed my mind. I even went and put a yamaha 900 5 disc dvd player on layaway that cost $600.00. It was a floor model so they sold it to me for $250.00. I have not picked it up yet and I wont. I am going to tell those guys to put that layaway deposit on a Denon dvd player instead so I can match my system. Hope I made the right choice, I feel confident though.
Posted By: ravi_singh Re: I GOT THE DENON!! - 07/30/03 08:04 PM
the 1803 is amazing.

Get some speakers now!
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