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Posted By: catfish Heresy - 10/31/03 05:30 AM
We'll, I've dickered with my M2tis for a while in my new home and can't seem to get them to really shine in the big room where they are located. I'm sure it is the room but the carpet, draperies and placement changes are not making a big enough difference.

Here is the question. Should I upgrade to the m22s or move to an axiom floor standing - 60s or 80s? Perhaps, (and here is the heresy)should I buy a pair of maggies? I plan on keeping my sub (axiom EP175). Maybe the whole axiom set up should go downstairs as the beginning of an HT system...... Hmmm...
Posted By: JohnK Re: Heresy - 10/31/03 06:57 AM
Jeff, this appears to be a continuation of last month's thread in which you were disappointed with the clarity of the M2s at the high end compared to your headphones. Both sushi and I pointed out that you were never going to get a headphone type of clarity with speakers operating in a reverberent room. You indicate that you're sure it's the room, but then you suggest alternative Axioms which are nearly identical in that area and a planar speaker which is even more sensitive to room effects. If the room is the problem compared to headphones which remove the room as a factor, then no speakers, regardless of design or expense, will be satisfactory.
Posted By: sushi Re: Heresy - 10/31/03 04:51 PM
Jeff, if you think that you are simply overtaxing the M2s in order to "fill" your room, replacing them with a larger model, especially the floorstanders, will likely solve the whole problem. Like I said before, I believe that the M2s are simply too small given your room size and listening distance. If I were you, I would jump on to the M60s or even M80s.

With regard to the Maggies, you definitely have to listen to them first -- people either love or hate them, or the planar dipoles in general. As you may realize, I love the Maggie sound, but IMO you really have to aim at least for the MG12s or MG1.6s, which aren't cheap, in order to enjoy the advantage of the Maggies. They are physically big already, and their "effective footprint" is very large because they have to have a generous breathing room behind and on the side. Needless to say, they are much more room- and placement-sensitive speakers than the Axioms -- that is one reason why I myself haven't bought the Maggies yet.
Posted By: tomtuttle Re: Heresy - 11/01/03 03:04 AM
I got M60's about a month ago, and I'm thrilled to tears. Having gone from an older (but top-of-the-line) Polk sub-sat system, I can attest that a "bigger box" made me realize just how glorious Stereo can be. You're just going to have to move more air to get satisfying dynamics in a bigger room.
Posted By: Aeromos Re: Heresy - 11/02/03 06:58 AM
Hey catfish,

I'm not sure what the size of your room is. From what I've read I'm guessing you like great detail and clarity. If so then I would recommend the M80's. They simply have greater detail and clarity in the mids and highs than the M60's. Bear in mind though that the M80's are 4ohms and should be powered with something fairly decent. The dealer however told me (as many here have said) that I shouldn't have any problem with my HTIB receiver. Apparently the M80's are unlike most 4ohm speakers out there (they rarely dip below 4ohms). I just wouldn't be able to play them really loud (close to reference levels which I never do in my present setting) until I upgrade to something else of better quality.

As Sushi said, if you can listen to Maggies give it a go. I personally enjoyed these speakers as well but they do require some room and are more sensitive to placement. Also Saturn has told me that they are very revealing speakers. They will reveal just how good or crappy your system is.
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