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Hi there;

1. Service

I just received my new M22's yesterday... 27 hours after I placed the call to order them. Ian took my order. That's remarkable service. These M22's were of the 'scratch and dent' variety; but I looked everywhere and I can't find a single problem... wow.

2. Sound

These speakers are stunningly good. Clean, clear, airy, big soundstage, great imaging... I could go on. I have had a pair of Camber 2.0's that I purchased in 1985 and these little axioms sound better (a little less bass but thats to be expected). The Cambers were linked somehow to Rega speakers and were designed using the whole NRC thing as many Canadian speakers were/are. I still like my Cambers so for the Axioms to sound better to me is high praise...

3. Wife

My wife suggested that she buy me these speakers for Christmas. What a wonderful woman. By the way, she is also a 'music person' and thinks the M22's sound great too.

4. Thanks

I placed a few posts about a month ago with regard to speaker and receiver choices. Your replies were prompt, friendly and very helpful. Thank you very much. I'll be buying a receiver as phase two of world audio domination once I can afford it.

P.S. I know that you know how good these speakers are but I wanted all of the people who are thinging about buying these to hear another testimonial. Just buy them.

Thanks again everybody.
Rob in Ottawa
Thanks for the feeback. For those of us still sitting on the fence wondering if we're crazy for buying into the hype, it helps.

I would second the notion that this is a great forum for information. There are a lot of knowlegeable people at some of the bigger forums but I typically feel intimidated or fear my questions will be lost or not responded to. This has happened several times other places, but not here.

I hope to start giving back once I have enough knowledge to contribute!

Thanks again for the evaluation.

Great post, Rob. I, too, love the community here, and am enjoying music (and life) more since I got my Axioms. Stick around and share your knowledge, expertise and experience with the rest of us.
Hi Rob,

Delighted you like your M22ti's. Yes, the Cambers were quite good Canadian speakers in their time, designed by a talented young engineer, Alan Devantier, who eventually migrated to California to join the Harman/Infinity group, under Dr. Floyd Toole, formerly the scientist and psycho-acoustician of the NRC. Alan D. designed some good systems for Infinity. I believe he's still there, but is involved in other engineering projects at Harman.

The Rega link is a bit murky, except there were some good Canadian speakers (I have an old pair of Regas in my storage closet) sold in Canada under that name for a time.

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