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Posted By: Bilbo_Baggins Bag End Getting a lot of deliveries - 01/20/04 02:07 AM
Bag End was built by Bungo Baggins for his wife Belladonna Took, presumably before the birth of Bilbo in 1290 ShR, 2890 ThA. Bungo mostly used Belladonna's money to build it.
After the death of his mother in 1334 ShR, Bilbo Baggins lived alone at Bag End. And things were rather quiet until Bag End was the meeting place of an Unexpected Party in 1341 ShR.

Plenty of deliveries starting, the boxes are trickling in:

Panasonic 500 projector
Denon 2200 DVD
Axioms: m60s, 150, 350, QS8
Yamaha 1400

I'm waiting on the screen since I'm not sure what to go with 92" or 106" ... waiting to see what it looks like against the white sheet on the wall. (I think the white sheet will definately be the thing "that pulls the room together" so I'm not sure I'll be able to part with it once I nail it up.

Only question I have is what CD to play first? (the DVD question is simple... The Fellowship... of course)
I'm thinking of paying a tribute to Yes, and playing in its entirety, "Close to the Edge" Of sourse, the digitally remastered, Genensis, "Selling England by the Pound" might be a nice choice.

Any other suggestions?

Posted By: snippy Re: Bag End Getting a lot of deliveries - 01/20/04 03:25 AM
If your a fan of Yes, check out the DVD-Audio of Fragile, Roundabout sounds amazing. It will rock on your system.
Posted By: Merlock Re: Bag End Getting a lot of deliveries - 01/20/04 03:54 PM
"Don't fear the Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult.

Have fun with whatever you choose.

Wow! that sounds like a winner. I'm not yet up on all of the new formats... I have, however, noticed quite a few concert DVD that are in DTS! Thanks for your suggestion.

Posted By: mhorgel Re: Bag End Getting a lot of deliveries - 01/21/04 01:41 AM
How about the DVD-Audio version of "Fragile"


Oops...Replied before seeing Snippy's reply...I second the motion!
Posted By: SeanF Re: Bag End Getting a lot of deliveries - 01/21/04 02:48 AM
I bought the CD version of "Fragile" years ago. Should I get the DVD? Is it that good?
I'll be buying it! Of course, I'm the sucker who re-buys CDs when they are digitally remastered...
Well, today the Axioms showed up. I will say that the company wasted no time to ship these puppies.

I recieved everything on my shopping list except my receiver. Which meant I had to go get my old Pioneer, just to test drive the M60s. GREAT range, didn't have too long to play since it was too late, but what I heard was pretty impresive. can't wait to get the new receiver to really test drive.

I wanted to thank several members of the board. I did a search on "banana" and got all of my answers to the cable question: "to banana plug or not." I guess I'll revert to my anal retentive way of touching up the wire with a drop of solder, and use the bare wire method. I did find the cable thread pretty funny. How can anyone get so passionate about connecting a speaker, I mean, People please...

Anyway, hats off to Axiom, the speakers appear to be great. Ok, a few minor complaints -- this is like picking fly [censored] out of the pepper shaker -- but, I wanted to point these out.

The QS8's are smaller than I thought they would be. They look, however, unbelievably constructed -- can not wait to hear them.

The speaker grills on the m60s don't snap in effectively... kind of cheesy.

Hopefully I'll get the Panasonic 500 mounted and plugged in this weekend. If anyone is interested, I'll let you know how it pans out. I currently watch HD on a panasonic HD plasma, so I'm used to a pretty crisp picture. I'll be testing the Panny at 92, 106, and 120 inches.

Posted By: twopecker Re: Bag End Getting a lot of deliveries - 01/21/04 01:48 PM
I also thought the QS8's looked a little small, but they have become my favorite speaker from axiom. As surrounds, they still impress me everytime I watch a movie.
Posted By: pmbuko Re: Bag End Getting a lot of deliveries - 01/21/04 05:52 PM
So they're kinda small? I was going to get the QS4s because I thought the QS8s would be too big. I may have to reconsider now.
Posted By: x94blair3 Re: Bag End Getting a lot of deliveries - 01/21/04 08:08 PM
Yeah, based on the pictures I never would have picked "small" as the description for the QS8's. Although I planned on getting them anyway

Posted By: FordPrefect Re: Bag End Getting a lot of deliveries - 01/21/04 08:44 PM
Now here's small, the now unavailable QS2's, 3.5" woofers and about 5"x5"x5"!!!

Considering their size they had an amazing sound, would have been perfect for a computer system. I heard them in a local store back in the days when Axiom were available from brick 'n motar outlets. It was sort of like holding a nice die-cast model car .

well, I guess it depends on perspective. I would never risk the "what if" syndrom on something as important as the surrounds. Especially for a small price difference.

I guess since they are meant to hang on a wall -- you don't want 40 lb. speakers. Now that I'm in process of mounting them, I'm thinking they're big enough. Also, I take back what I said about the speaker grills on M60s -- they are fine, they just take a little getting used to.

"Welcome to the big room my-man"
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