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this is a really good article..

a quote
" people visiting the McIntosh room at the shows, who had not experienced the cable demonstration, were disturbed that we were using ordinary heavy zip cord instead of one of the popular brands of speaker wire. Instead of listening to the McIntosh speakers and electronics, they recalled "bad" things they had been told about "common" speaker wire and this promoted questions about the "inferior" wire being used. When we changed the wire to a popular brand of wire, customers were happy with the setup, and directed their attention to the McIntosh equipment."

Now granted don’t believe everything you read on the internet, but this article has persuaded me to save my 200$ i was going to spend on a PAIR of high dollar cables for my new towers... ill just stick with my monster wire that is already paid for!

That's the article that led me to the Axiom forum and an eventual purchase of an Axiom HT system. I love stuff like that.
BTW that is a frequently cited article in these parts.
so i already fit in then eh
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