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Posted By: INANE It could end up being Rocket vs Axiom... help! - 03/22/04 05:30 AM
I've been trying to audition as many speakers in town as I can find...

I've managed to listen to:

Energy C5 and C7
Paradigm Monitor 9
B&W 603
Boston Accoustic VR2
Triangle Zerius
Axiom M22 (thx Marcus )

Nutshell, the Triangles sounded pretty damn good but they don't have much for matching surrounds or center. The Axioms, although small, sounded pretty good. Their midrange was really good. The rest honestly didn't do anything for me.

This will mainly be a HT setup but I want to be able to listen to music too. I listen to a wide range of stuff, from vocal to classical elements but primarily electronic and rock (metal). I am concerned about how well the speaker can play loud too. I want it to stay as detailed as possible, and dynamic. That alone seems to have ruled out bookshelfs for me.

I've been reading about the Onix Rocket's as well. The RS550 looks to be a competator to the Axiom M60ti. Those two speakers plus their respective centers and surrounds SEEM to be what I'm deciding between right now. I'm looking to spend ~$1500 for mains, center and surrounds(2). I think Axiom has Onix beat by 100-200$ but the Rockets look damn nice with that rosewood finish. AV123 is only one state away from me so sending the Rockets back if I didn't like them wouldn't set me back too much, but sending the Axioms all the way back to Canada probably wouldn't be as cheap. The 6ohm and 4ohm ratings plus lower effeciency does have me a bit concerned about the Rockets (but they look damn cool! ).

I was able to listen to the VP150 and QS8's with the M22's. I thought they sounded pretty good but there was a balancing issue that was brought up to me from the owner and I did notice it. Basically the VP150's output lagged behind the M22's and had to have the gain turned up, even after using a db meter to adjust it with the other drivers. That and I've read on other boards lots of conerns about the VP150's layout in reguards to dispersion.

Anyway based on what I've listened to, can anyone tell me if I'm crazy or not? I'm looking to get as much feedback as I can. Pulling the perverial trigger is so difficult.
IN, the question of whether you're crazy or not as to having any doubts on the Axiom vs Rockets question can be best answered by Craig( me of spiffnme)who is this board's pre-eminent expert on that comparison.
I only heard the RS150 vs the M22ti. But if the RS150 has the same overall "sound" as the rest of the Rocket line, it's VERY laid back. They douldn't sound more different than the Axiom line if they tried.
I have not done a direct comparison...but I have heard the M60 and the non "Signature" version of the RS750......and I concur, they are very different.
I have heard the RS550's as well as the RS750's (non-Signature) as well as the Axiom M60's (Disclaimer: I now own the M60's).

The best way I have heard the Rockets described is in the context of attending a live music performance...The Rockets sound as if you are sitting somewhere in the 20 - 25th rows whereas the Axioms sound as if you are sitting in the 2nd row. The midrange of the Rockets is very good but they are VERY lacking in upper detail (at least to my ear).

My suggestion would be to try to audition at least the M60's...they would be more of a minimal competitive comparison between either the 550's or 750's.

As to your suggestion for ordering the M80's and holding the others pending a listen, give Axiom a call, I'd lay you odds they could work something out with you...

My .02,

i should be able to shed some light on this decision; however, i don't really want to post my negative experience (flame) on anyone's message board.

i will say that rockets are laid back. too laid back for my tastes, but that wasn't the only reason i decided to return them.
I have to say... these forums here (however lacking in options ) are really a selling point for these speakers. I will devuldge I am leaning towards the Axiom setup right now, but since I'm not finished remodeling the basement I still have time to research! (I wish the Rockets were less attractive, I admit thats making an impression on me)

I tested this weekend for MANY hours the Axiom VP150, QS8 against the top-of-the line Klipsch Reference RS-7 and RC-7...

You have to hear speakers in YOUR environment and against the other brand that you are considering and you make the decision. Seriously, I purchased from my Klipsch dealer in the past few years many $$$ and I was lucky enough to have at the same time the Klipsch and the Axiom...

There is a clear winner for the level of service and support and that is Axiom. You call them, they are friendly and useful. You e-mail them, they answer your e-mails, you ask for tips, they would give you some tips... Maybe they sell their speakers for way under what they are worth (maybe not!) because the name is not as prestigious as Klipsch, Paradigm or B&W and their size is not the same either but they are a Canadian based company wich decided to focus on service they provide to their customers and I think that's a good thinking. Hopefully, if they become bigger, they will still remember what would have made them "famous"...!

If you can, get the Rocket and get the Axiom and test them against each other and yes, you will lose the shipping charges on one brand but what is 100$ if you enjoy your new system for a few years?

My 2 cents, sorry for the long post!


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