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Posted By: reyzor58 more speakers ?? - 04/10/04 03:37 PM
haven't even gotten my first speakers and already thinking of getting more !!
heres my question today , i have the yamaha rxz1 receiver i ordered the epic 80, i was thinking of getting QS4's for L&R side effects for the dsp, is it worth it ? will i notice a big difference in sound ? also is having 2 subs worth the investment? and should they be matched subs, same brand and same size? or is this all overkill?

thanks for helping me thru these trying times. (day 4 )since i placed my order .


Posted By: ravi_singh Re: more speakers ?? - 04/10/04 11:17 PM
not really worth it.

first, listen to the epic80. i have it and adore it. if your room is huge you might want the extra two. don't get QS4's anyway, get QS8's so they match. Or M2's ir M22's as others on the board have.
Posted By: BigWill Re: more speakers ?? - 04/11/04 03:38 AM
I don't know about Yamaha's DSP modes but those on my Denon pretty much suck. Only the "matrix" mode is halfway decent for anything.
I think you could use 2 subs if your room is large and/or if you're opting for one of those subs tuned for ultra low (but less loud) frequencies.
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