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Posted By: Hawkson101 HX optimization-messed up on HK 525 - 07/09/04 02:51 AM
HX optimization-messed up on HK 525

I know THX is junk, but I want to know if my HK 525 is junk as well.
When I do the THX sound optimization found on my Aliens Quadrilogy DVD everything is messed up

When doing the test tones on the THX optimization screen the Left and Right front channels are reversed. Also, the left and right surround channels are mixed when they are supposedly playing only one channel at a time.

The DVD player emits only analog and the receiver does this on DTS:Neo 6 and Dolby PLII. I don't have coxial so I can't do straight DTS.

Also, when playing music with my receiver's balance set to the extreme Left or Right Setting sound comes out of both surround channels. Is this normal?

Finally, I have done the pink noise test using the receivers control panel and that checks out-sound comes out where its supposed to come out.

THanks for the help
Posted By: Ken.C Re: HX optimization-messed up on HK 525 - 07/09/04 02:53 AM
Are you sure your DVD player only outputs analog? If so, trash it and get a new one. I'd say that that is the root of your problem.
Posted By: Hawkson101 Re: HX optimization-messed up on HK 525 - 07/09/04 03:00 AM
Is it possible the DVD is the cause of the problem?
It doesn't make sense that the DVD player could emit mixed front speaker signals(switching the Left and Right Channels).

The DVD player I am using is my parents and I know it is not very good. But the HTPC I built has a dead power supply so I am using this for now.
Posted By: Ken.C Re: HX optimization-messed up on HK 525 - 07/09/04 03:04 AM
Durned if I know... I guess the processing could be funky on the H/K. Try just straight stereo, and see if it's flopped there. I'd also check another DVD.
Posted By: curtis Re: HX optimization-messed up on HK 525 - 07/09/04 04:41 AM
I would try an actual test CD like Avia to make sure everythingelse checks out. And make sure the DVD player is hooked up correctly.
Posted By: real80sman Re: HX optimization-messed up on HK 525 - 07/09/04 11:14 AM
Hawk, you forgot to mention if it WAS working before, and it just started to mess up, or if it NEVER worked. Sounds as if you have the left & right out of the DVD player reversed. Think about it - it makes sense. You are not using a digital out, and the reciever's internal test tones are fine.

Kcarlile hit it on the head - get a DVD player with digital out. They can be had for under $60. Otherwise, you will always be listening to surround that has been "matrixed" from 2 channels instead of the true discrete 5.1. It doesn't have to be expensive, as the DAC's in your 525 will be doing all the processing. You wouldn't hear any difference between a $60 unit and a $500 unit.

Also, when listening to ProLogic the rears are MONO, which may explain the whole balance issue in the rears.

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