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Posted By: hk900plus hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/04/05 08:54 PM
Down to the ready to order but am a little gun shy of the axiom sub. Has anyone done an ab on these two?
Is one better for music than the other? One better for ht than the other? Help!
Posted By: bridgman Re: hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/04/05 09:43 PM
I don't own either of them but have the comparable PSB instead. The Axiom seems to be well regarded for music but the Hsu is often felt to be a bit better for HT by virtue of going a bit deeper in the low bass.

Don't read too much into people looking for alternatives to the Axioms -- it's not so much that the Axiom subs are bad, it's just that Axiom is ahead of the pack with regular speakers but there is some incredible competition in the sub market and the Hsu is felt to offer better performance for the $$, albeit in a black box vs. nicely finished woodgrain box that matches your other speakers.

I know this sounds trite but often it seems to come down to looks. If the sub is going in "your room" or a dark HT then a lot of people go for the Hsu or SVS to get a bit more bang for their buck. If the sub is going in the living room and needs to look good people tend to get the Axioms for the finish and happily give up the slight performance difference.

FYI, the difference is not nite and day, the 350 is comparable to the PSB sub I have and that is pretty darned impressive.
Posted By: twodan19 Re: hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/04/05 10:18 PM
i've had a 350 for maybe 2 years now. never compared it to others, but does the job for me.
Posted By: Wid Re: hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/04/05 10:36 PM
Hsu is currently of of stock of the STF 2.The STF 3 is in the same price class as the EP 350 at $599 plus $50 shipping.
Posted By: spiffnme Re: hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/04/05 11:01 PM should be comparing the STF-3 with the EP350. Given the choice between STF-2 and EP350, I'd likely go with the EP350. But then again it's not a fair comparision.

STF-3 or EP350...

Posted By: hk900plus Re: hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/04/05 11:05 PM
Well that is the idea guys.....they are $200.00 apart in Canada.
Is the 350 $200.00 better. That $200.00 includes shipping.

Posted By: bridgman Re: hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/04/05 11:24 PM
I hate to even mention this, but some of that $200 is probably the cost of building in North America instead of overseas. That won't make the 350 sound better but IMO it is worth something.
Posted By: snakeyes Re: hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/04/05 11:33 PM
im going to order m60 vp150 2x qs8's next week and am 99% decided on going with the ep350 because it will look good with the rest of system and performance wise with out an a/b test i probably will never know the difference. Do let us know what you decide on.
Posted By: hk900plus Re: hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/05/05 12:24 AM
Has anyone listened to these subs at anytime? Because I have not....if so might they comment on differences? Sound is the key here fellows, I can weight the other stuff out myself.
Posted By: tomtuttle Re: hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/05/05 12:51 AM
If you do a search or thorough perusal of the forums, I'm sure you will find some actual content somewhere. It seems like there are threads initiated on subwoofers almost daily.
Posted By: Ajax Re: hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/05/05 01:13 AM
I have never heard the EP350, but I own and enjoy the STF-2. It's difficult for me to compare it to other subs, because I haven't heard a lot of others. All I know is that it is far superior to the JBL PB-10 I was using until the HSU cometh.

The STF-2 provides much tighter (less boomier) bass, with excellent transient response (how quickly the driver recovers after sounding a note). So, I'm very happy with my STF-2.

My room is 11.5'W x 18'L x 8' high, and opens into a 10' x 10' x 8' dining area. That totals up to around 2450 cubic feet (1656 cu. ft. living area; 800 cu. ft. dining area. The STF-2 handles that much space just fine.
Posted By: bridgman Re: hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/05/05 03:40 AM
>>Has anyone listened to these subs at anytime? Because I have not....if so might they comment on differences? Sound is the key here fellows, I can weight the other stuff out myself.

If there were some good apples-to-apples test results available all of our lives would be easier, but subs are even harder to test than normal speakers. We're all relying largely on third party comments here. Sorry we don't have better info...
Posted By: joninflorida Re: hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/05/05 02:10 PM
A little long but hopefully this helps.

Review: By Brian Mitchell, CEO

Three Subwoofers Face Off: SVS 25-31PCi, HSU Research VTF-3, and Axiom Audio EP-350 Subwoofers

Each of these subwoofers proves you don't have to spend a lot to get low frequency bass effects for movies and music. But does spending more guarantee better performance?

First impressions: These are heavy
Let's start out with my first impressions. Both the Axiom and HSU are familiar looking cubed shaped sub boxes, while the SVS uses a tall cylinder design with a downward firing subwoofer. All three employ a 12-inch subwoofer driver, and have internal amplifiers. The Axiom is the lightest and weighs in at 39 lbs, the middleweight is the SVS at 65 lbs, and get out the forklift for the HSU -- it's 85 lbs!

Let's look at the manuals
The SVS comes with the most comprehensive and professional looking manual. It contains diagrams, setup advice and explains how to use a SPL meter (not supplied) to properly calibrate your unit. The HSU manual consisted of stapled together pages, had no diagrams, although it did offer setup tips with an accompanying CD of test tones and music. The Axiom manual had no setup tips, but it gave a definition of each feature in English and French.
+1 SVS, 0 HSU, 0 Axiom

Connections, knobs and switches
Each subwoofer has volume controls, variable crossovers, phase switches, line-level in, high-level in/out, and auto on power settings. The HSU and SVS both have external cross-over disable/enable switches, while the Axiom does not. Lastly the HSU is the only sub with a 20Hz/25Hz switch to change the tuning. Don't worry if you don't know what all that means. Each sub has all the connections you need for home theater or stereo use. As recommended by the manufacturer's, each sub was connected with one 75 Ohm RCA cable from the receiver's subwoofer-out jack to the subwoofer's line-in jack.
+1 SVS, +1 HSU, 0 Axiom

The Setup
Each sub was calibrated at 75db using the test tones on the AVIA Guide to Home Theater DVD setup disc. A 8ft subwoofer cable was used. Subwoofer crossovers were disabled for Dolby Digital movies (allowing the receiver to manage low frequency settings), and enabled for stereo music (allowing the sub to control settings).

Music time
I threw everything from classical to jazz to hip-hop to rap at these subs. Each sub performed remarkably similar at the same listening levels, but I would give the advantage to the HSU on classical music because it seemed the most accurate. The SVS gets the nod for rap and hip-hop music as it produced tight loud bass that literally shook the room. The Axiom performed admirably, but was least impressive of the group.
+1 SVS, +1 HSU, 0 Axiom

Movie time
Using these subs for movies is really where they shine. The SVS not only shakes the room, it will rock your entire house. Explosion scenes and crashes will be felt as well as heard with the SVS, without a hint of distortion. The HSU will also shake-up a room, and produces quick clean bass, but it didn't seem as realistic for movies as the SVS. The Axiom again did not add any more realism for movies, but it wasn't that bad, just overmatched.
+2 SVS, +1 HSU, 0 Axiom

How low can they go?
Just for fun I played with some low test tones to see how each sub performed. The HSU easily won the battle, in playing the lowest audible frequencies below 20Hz, but it also caused the most room resonation. I can't fault HSU for that. The SVS was second in this test, and the Axiom was last. It should be noted that most sound below 25Hz was felt as vibrations more than it could be heard in these tests. Low frequency tests are more for manufacturer bragging rights and sales literature, then a true measure of subwoofer performance.
+1 SVS, +2 HSU, 0 Axiom

Is bigger better?
The SVS is the largest and tallest, and could easily be mistaken for a floor standing speaker. The HSU and Axiom subs are about the same sized cube boxes and can be easily hidden in a corner. If you have the space, I'd get the SVS. If you want a less obtrusive looking sub go with the pricier HSU. If that is too much money then get the Axiom. No matter what your decision you won't be disappointed with any of them.

Final Thoughts
If you haven't figured out already, the SVS emerges as the winner of this face-off. You'll also be surprised to learn it is the least expensive of the group! It just goes to show you that more expensive doesn't always mean better. At just $549, the SVS is the best bargain in bass.

(All can be bought online)
SVS 25-31 PCi - $549
HSU Research VTF-3 - $849
Axiom Audio EP-350 - $620

Remember I am just one man with one opinion. If you own any of these products, or have a comment or question feel free to add your thoughts below.

Brian Mitchell
Founder & CEO

Posted By: Ajax Re: hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/05/05 02:30 PM
Interesting. Thanks for posting that, Jon. Though I have no arguments with his findings, I think it's important to note the author's last statement. "Remember I am just one man with one opinion." I wish more people would post with that proviso.

I point that out because I feel there is a difference between the "one man's impressions" review, as this is, and the "scientific methodology" review which utilizes measurable tests. BOTH are valid, and BOTH are valuable. But, with the "one man's impressions" type it's important to keep in mind the subjectiveness of this hobby, and remember the caveat that "your mileage may vary."
Posted By: joninflorida Re: hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/05/05 06:13 PM
You are right Jack. I also know SOME reviews can be biased towards a manufactuer. Not saying they get "paid off" but they have a relationship, or pre-conceived feelings. I just thought it would be helpful, as it puts the 3 subs that were being discussed into 1 article, And that was what the post asked for, a comparison. I am not saying I agree with it, nor cause I own 2 SVS's am I pushing them. That was just HIS outcome, and conclusion of HIS opinions. I own 5 Axiom speakers and could not be happier. I will own more when I have the additional space in my new home. I have never heard their subs, so I can offer NO personal preference for or aganist Axiom subs. However, I will sure speak of my preference for their speakers.
Posted By: Ajax Re: hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/05/05 08:38 PM
Jon, it is my sincere hope that my above post did not come across as any criticism of you. I promise you that, in no way did I mean it to carry that implication, and I humbly apologize if that seemed my intent. I'm so caught up in the "opinion vs. fact" thing, at the moment, that I just didn't want anyone to react to the comparison with "AH! Here's PROOF that SVS is better than HSU or Axiom."

By the way, I happen to own a HSU sub. I own it not because I think it better than an SVS or an Axiom sub, but because, at the time of purchase, I thought it the best buy at that price point.

When I said "thanks for posting that" I meant it.
Posted By: joninflorida Re: hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/05/05 10:37 PM
Jack, I did not take it that way at all, and I mean at all, I was kinda reiterateing what you were saying in my own words. The best sub, is whats best for that paticular person. I think (as the article stated) there all good subs. I think I was just praising the Axiom "speaker" line, and was not being defensive, just complimentary of Axiom. I can't praise their subs, cause I never heard them. I chose to go with a different sub, which for me seemed to be the best choice, no offense taken once-so-ever. And I don't want to start this SVS vs. whomever thing, like I said, the article happened to compare all three of em, which is what was being asked, so I posted it. Jack, your comments have always been welcomed, I enjoy your posts/insight, if anything, you are too much of a gentleman LOL, seriously, I agreed with everything you said, and often do.
Posted By: Ajax Re: hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/05/05 10:39 PM
Thanks Jon. I'm relieved.
Posted By: joninflorida Re: hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/06/05 12:01 AM
Did I say I own 5 Axioms, as much as I am struggling with setting up this 7.1 system, I should know that I own SEVEN!! That was probably a fraudian slip, as I keep thinking 5.1 sounded better, or maybe I just have not got it right yet!
Posted By: spiffnme Re: hsu stf-2 vs axiom sp350 - 01/06/05 12:17 AM
You're not alone in being unimpressed with a 7.1 setup.

I bought an extra amp and a pair of M2i's to add as rear surrounds, and after several months sold the amp, and moved the M2i's upstairs onto my computer. I get much more use/enjoyment out of them up there. Those added channels didn't really add much to my movie watching experience.

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