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Posted By: RobW Thinking about this system, opinions please. - 01/10/05 01:33 PM
I stumbled across the Axiom site while researching home theater systems. I'm on a budget (sq. footage as well as $) so here's what I'm thinking about putting together; M22ti's, a VP100, and an EP175. I have a pair of Bose 101s I'll be using in back for now, and I'll be running the setup with a Panasonic XR-70. Currently I'm using an older (about 8 years old) Sony Pro Logic reciever, Bose Acoustimass AM-7 setup (I hate the sub), and can't help but think that bigger mid drivers will give me much better sound for movies, and I won't even get into the atrocious sound this thing makes out of my CD source. Can I expect a tangible difference with this combo? I mean, I'm sure I'll hear it, but will my relatively uninterested wife be able to tell the difference? Please feel free to comment and advise...
i think it is fair to say that you will hear a noticable difference with that speaker arrangement. bose, in my opinion, are highly over-rated, and not worth what they charge for them. axioms, on the other hand, are often regarded as one of the best sounding speakers for the price. the M22 is the largest of the bookshelf models, and can produce impressive amounts of volume, while maintaining clarity. and, matched up with the VP100 and the EP175 sub, you would end up with one heck of a system for a small to medium sized room.

i would also suggest for you to try and budget for the QS4 or QS8 surrounds. these are incredible speakers that truly create the full 'surround' effect that is desired in a home theater. may i also suggest that you get a receiver with Dolby Digital and DTS capabilities. what you have will be OK, but once you upgrade your speakers, you will want to have those audio platforms to really let them shine.

Hi RobW,

Big John is correct. The little Bose cone drivers are so colored that you will hear a dramatic difference in natural, transparent music and movie soundtrack reproduction with the Axiom M22s, VP100 and EP175. By the way, I was amused by your comments about the AM-7's sub. The Bose "bass module" isn't a sub at all. It's just a mediocre woofer. You'll really like the EP175 sub after enduring putting up with Bose's bass module.

You can use the Boses for surrounds, but you will hear a significant tonal difference between the Bose surrounds and the Axioms at front, so budget for QS4s or QS8s in the future.

OK, I was pretty much set to go on this thing anyway, and just talked to Alan and pulled the trigger. So, just tell me how happy I'm gonna be...
Posted By: Wid Re: Thinking about this system, opinions please. - 01/10/05 03:49 PM

Real Happy.

Hi Rob, welcome.

Both you and your listening companions are going to experience a very happy change. Congratulations, and please do post your impressions after you get everything set up.
I envy you that first time you hear them and realize everything has changed. It's a great experience.
Ok, new question. Given that I blew most of the wad I had for this upgrade right now, using high quality cables is most important for which connections, keeping in mind the fact that I'm trying to minimize outlay at this point (for now).
They're not. Standard cables (radio shack, blue jeans cable, Home Depot) work just fine. The questions would be, "Are they a conductive material (copper or silver) and do they have insulation around them?"

Better to spend your money on something that would matter.
there have been MANY discussions on here about "high quality cables", and i think they are somewhat over-rated. monster cables are over priced, and not to mention, they can even damage your equip with their 'death grip'(thx craig).

you will be fine getting some above average quality connectors from your local radio shack, or audio/video store. you can also find great deals at Parts Express.

i am one that does not buy into the whole expensive cables theory. its a personal decision, but you can save money here and not lose any quality.

Posted By: Ned Re: Thinking about this system, opinions please. - 01/10/05 06:24 PM
Axioms own, very fine stranded copper?
Hi Rob,

My opinion is that you don't need to go nuts with either interconnects or speaker cables.

People seem to really like Blue Jeans Cables; they do seem to hit the sweet spot relative to price/performance/engineering. Any 12-14 gauge copper wire will work fine for speaker cable (Home Depot or whatever). I found a closeout on some low end Monster interconnects, but I think anything that is a tiny little step up from the freebies in the box will work just fine.

Do a forum search, but be prepared for divergent opininons.

If you are connecting your CD and/or DVD player via a digital cable (optical or coaxial), just get the cheapest one of the type; it's all 1's and 0's and it either connects or it doesn't.

These are my opinions only, based on my experience and information from those I deem credible. I do not claim absolute knowledge, and your ears may very well be able to discern differences in quality that mine cannot. No warranty expressed or implied, etc. I honor those with opinions different than my own, as long as they are expressed with dignity and respect.

Good luck! I just know you'll be thrilled with your new system.
Thanks guys. Sounds like that old box of car stereo cables will come in handy here. Way better than the in the box stuff, and best of all, I already have it...
That's the spirit!
Now go out and dig up that low voltage 12 gauge landscape wiring to your Malibu lights - its perfect for long runs to your surrounds. Also gives surround effects a grounded, earthy tone.
Rob, just one further point; the "in the box stuff" is almost always fine. Manufacturers don't sabotage their own products by packaging something with them that won't allow them to perform at their best.
Many people have great success with 12g wire from Home Depot. Someone mentioned Parts Express, you can can get a 100ft roll of good 12ga cable for 37.50. Look for the "Sound King" brand. Just get some banana plugs at Radio Shack. Impact Acoustics "Velocity" line of interconnects are good value for the price.
Blue Jeans Cables interconects are a little more expensive, but they ooze "quality." Plus you can pick the cable color! Just don't use the RCA's that come boxed with your components.
Oops, did I just step on JohnK's toes? I mentioned "don't use the RCA's that come in the box" right after John said they are fine. Not trying to troll, really. I just think there is more to be said for good quality (not "high priced") interconnects than for exotic speaker cables. JMHO.

No need to worry about JohnK's toes. They are iron-clad and step-proof.
I hate to disagree with JohnK, but freebie cables suck. Plain and simple. The R/L audio they throw at you may be OK, but the video cable you generally get is a VERY cheap composite cable. Not worth tying you shoes with. They don't usually give S-Video or Component Cables away with dvd players...and you need at least that for the best possible picture.

So...bottom line. Use the free audio cables if you must. But visit Blue Jeans and get a decent S-Video or Component Cable set for the video portion of your gear.

Well. Wow. What a difference a day makes. Recieved my M22ti's, VP100 and EP175 yesterday. I wasn't able to even take the stuff out of the boxes til 10pm or so, so I only had a half an hour to audition the setup (still on the old reciever), but even before break-in this setup is so much better than the AM-7 set I was using that "head and shoulders above" doesn't even come close. A huge difference was realized immediately, and I haven't even had time to properly place everything. The front 3 are just sitting on top of the entertainment center right now, much to my wife's chagrin. These things sound execellent, my wife even said she thought it sounded a little better, which for her was a huge admission. I can't wait til I get a chance to see what these speakers will really do, the new reciever is on it's way, so it won't be long...
Excellent, Rob! Keep us posted as you get everything properly set up and have a chance to savor the moments.
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my wife even said she thought it sounded a little better, which for her was a huge admission

That's probably about as close as you'll ever get to "You were right, honey." as you're ever gonna get...
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