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M50s seem like a decent deal - only a little more than the M22s but with more bass. Am I wrong? Do the M22s sound better than these products?

I am considering sending back the M22s and getting the M50s so that they can stand on the floor.
i have never heard either of these speakers, but i can give an educated opinion.

it is widely accepted that the M22's are remarkable sounding speakers for their size, and their sound output is amazing. with that being said, almost all feel that you would need a sub to accompany them to get the deep bass. there is no question that the M50 would have a better bass response but if you already have a sub paired with the M22's, it might not be necessary to get the M50's.

if you are just getting a personal case of 'upgradeitis', then we would understand, we all get it from time to time.. but if you have a good sub with your M22's, i dont know if the difference moving to the M50's would as dramatic as you might expect. the M22's are some killer speakers, and i dont know anyone that has them that wouldnt back me up on that.

thats my .02 cents, as billy likes to say..

Probably upgrade-itis. Once you hear these speakers you begin to think spending more money would be worth it.

Btw, is that the Texas flag? I lived in Houston for about four years. I miss the warm weather, the chips & salsa, and the barbecue. I miss it dearly.
If you do a search on "M50" I think you'll find a couple of discussions about them. Tonaly, they'll sound a bit different than you M22's. If you want to keep the same "sound" as the M22's but have more bass, and lose the stands, you'd need to jump to the M60ti's.

That's not to say the M50's sound bad, they just sound a bit different than the M22's and M60's.

Spiff, when you say "if you want to keep the same sound as the M22s", you are really selling me on the 60s. Now all that's left is to talk my girlfriend into spending more money on the 60s. She was looking at that new Todd Oldham furniture line at Lazy Boy so its gonna be a hard sell, but it can be done! : )
riffman- the TEXAS flag, yes it is.. i live in west texas.. about 7-8 hours west of houston. i would have to say that i am not the biggest fan of houston. its too big, too humid, and the people are too rude.. at least compared to where i am from.

the chips and salsa are still very good. the barbeque is still mouth watering.. and i am sure houston is still hot and humid..

come on back real soon.. that is if you have any money left over from buying the M60's.. hehe..

spiff- has mr bear STILL not finished that porno mag.. i guess he is reading the articles, right??

Here is a thread I started comparing the M50 with the M22 M50s & M22s compared & reviewed (long)
Yeah...he's a slow reader.

Hopefully, in a few months, Peter and I will be able to compare the M50s vs M22s. Not that I would be likely to return the M50s...

Just gotta finish the entertainment center, then it's Axiom time, baby!
Should I bring my sub over, too? Hehe...

If you move from the M22ti's to the M50s, which are very pleasant, you will notice a little less clarity and detail in the midrange and upper octaves. It's not a dramatic loss of clarity but it is audble on an A/B comparison. Of course the M50s have more bass than the M22ti's, but otherwise you'd be better off to add a subwoofer to your M22s or jump to the M60ti's, which have the same lovely clarity and detail as the M22s with much more extended bass.


Your other reply about the M22s vs M50s several months ago made me feel better about my decision...
spiff- i have that same prob with playboy mags.. contreray to most womens thinking, they really DO have great articles in them.

this winter when we went to visit my sister in dallas, i actually caught my wife reading one of my brother-in-laws playboy mags. she had this shocked look on her face, like "man, this really IS good reading".. i tried to convince her we needed a subscription, but she didnt think the reading was THAT good..

plus she laughed and said, "these photos are sooo airbrushed.. real women dont look like this!!" i said, "i know.. real women look like you.." i got a freebie for that.


Thanks Alan and everyone else. I'll check out the links. Definitely don't want to lose the M22 mids and highs.
That's wasn't just smooth-talking, that was smoooove-talking.

Now the real question if, would you read the magazine if it didn't have any pictures?
Yeah, for the cartoons!
That's one thing that irritates me being a reader of Maxim/Blender magazines. So many people say, "oh, you only buy that for the pictures of half-naked women." Well if that was so, wouldn't I be a lot farther ahead to buy Playboy!?! Granted the pics in Maxim don't hurt the cause , but the articles are what makes it a worthwhile mag.
Sorry, I'm just not inclined to read any magazine that chose Jessica Simpson (Why, yes, I am entirely made of plastic! Tee hee!) as the most beautiful woman in the world....
The thing that irritates me about Maxim/Stuff mags is that guys get flak for reading them because of the beautiful ladies. But if you take a look at a Cosmo, there is MUCH more sex, and graphic sex to be exact.
Huge double standard that annoys the heck out of me.
I've never actually read Maxim. What kind of articles does it have? I'm just wondering if I'm missing anything of value.
I flipped through a copy of Maxim once. Not a lot of substance in there. (besides the large...well, you know)

Maxim had a great article in there last month about the Delta Force and a brief description of some of the missions they've been on (written by a former member). That was a great read. As a whole, the magazine isn't terribly informative, but I don't believe it is designed to be. To me, it's a very well written magazine and I enjoy the dry, self-deprecating humour. Now Stuff on the other hand, is not nearly as well written. It seems like a couple of 13 y.o. boys come up with the jokes - potty humour, bad sex jokes, etc - not very funny at all, and it's getting worse.

Peter, I was under the assumption that everyone in N.A. had read Maxim at least once. You should give one a read through, I think you in particular would enjoy it.
Yeah, but I've got a question (having never read Maxim). Are there ever tips for guys to, um, make their woman happier? Because all the women's magazines are about is "Do this to make him scream a lot in bed!" And all the men's magazines (appear) to be, "Get her to do this to make you scream a lot in bed!" That's the double standard. Ever notice that both men's and women's magazines feature stunning women on the cover? Does this make sense?

Ken, I think that's what GQ and Men's Health are for...
Ah... I see.. Well, I generally stay away from most of the supermarket mags--all I read is Natural History, Road & Track, and Time.
In reply to:

Ken, I think that's what GQ and Men's Health are for...

GQ and Men's Health are the Maxim Magazines for gay men.

So, does that pretty much cover the detals surrounding the M50s for you?
I guess the m40s will never be critiqued in Maxim.
I would say there are more "How to make your woman happier" articles than "How to make your woman make you happier articles." But there are considerably more "How to get laid more" articles than both of those put together.
But I havn't actually bought a Maxim for a while.
The double standard that I was refering to was that a man reading a maxim and a woman reading a cosmo aren't looked at the same way when in fact (IMHO) that are both the same magazines.
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