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Posted By: ericb M3ti in maple w/tan grille on - 08/09/04 05:10 PM
Does anyone have a pic of M3ti's in maple with the tan grille cloth on? The Axiom store only shows them with the grille off and I can't seem to locate a pic showing the grille on.

Also curious as to whether anyone has a pic of the M3's in beech with the gold grille.

I've ordered the M3's from the factory outlet in maple/tan (two week delay) but have been reconsidering the color choice. My M22's are black and I'm happy with their appearance but the color would stick out too much where I am going to be locating the M3's (a porch on the back of my house - white with a beadboard wood ceiling). Thanks!
Posted By: bigjohn Re: M3ti in maple w/tan grille on - 08/09/04 05:33 PM
i cant say that i know of anyone having that combo.. but, there a lot of pics of different set-ups here. you might be able to find a combo like yours if you browse thru there.

good luck!!

Posted By: BigWill Re: M3ti in maple w/tan grille on - 08/09/04 08:28 PM
If you guys are going to keep linking to that wall o fame, I'm going to have to update my pic.
Posted By: joshxfoo Re: M3ti in maple w/tan grille on - 08/09/04 08:32 PM
Do it! I love photos.

EDIT: Hey, look, I'm an "addict" now!

Sorry about the hijax.
Posted By: BigWill Re: M3ti in maple w/tan grille on - 08/10/04 12:22 AM
You home for the summer, Josh?
I remember how traumatic it was to be separated from my gal each summer. Didn't stop me from having fun though.
Posted By: joshxfoo Re: M3ti in maple w/tan grille on - 08/10/04 01:57 PM
In reply to:

You home for the summer, Josh?
I remember how traumatic it was to be separated from my gal each summer. Didn't stop me from having fun though.

Oh, no. After I moved out a couple years ago, I decided I could never really move back, even for a summer. I love 'em, but my parents and I have very different lifestyles.

So I'm still in my apartment in Ann Arbor, paying rent unbelievably disproportionate to the size and quality of my living space (would you believe $415 for an 11x17 room?). And so's my gal
Posted By: pmbuko Re: M3ti in maple w/tan grille on - 08/10/04 05:47 PM
Amen to that! Moving back in with the parents for summers was just not something I wanted to do. Mostly it was because they moved to Oklahoma as soon as I started college. Who the hell would want to go there willingly?

Another reason is I found a great on-campus computer job for $12.50/hr.
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