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First of all I want to thank John (Jakeman) for helping me via PM. I can only hope, with a little trial and error, I will have a nice graph like him some day. Just hope I don't have to purchase more subs to get it done...

OK, I received my SMS-1 on Monday and finally had time tonight to experiment. I first just played the sweep while moving the sub in different locations to find the flatest curve. This ended up being along the left wall below my first reflection panel, pretty close to my left front m80.

After that I messed with the trim, phase, dB levels, etc. to improve the curve a bit more. Then it was onto the SMS setup menu. There I changed the polarity to "-" which made the curve flatter.

I disabled the low pass crossover since my receiver is handling the bass management.

I also changed the subsonic slope to 6dB for now, but was unable to lower the subsonic frequency to below 15hz (default). This is because I have firmware version 2.1. I plan to download 2.11 which lets you go down to 5hz. The 600 can handle it, and this is why Jakeman's graph is flatter below 20hz.

Here ya go....

Graph without applying any EQ yet.

I wanted to add Jakeman's recent picture of his graphed room and comments from another post.

"Here is what my room currently looks like after I don't know how many calibration sessions. This was achieved with dual subs and acoustical treatments using heavy velvet curtains, bookshelves, panels and bass traps. Notice that not much equalization was required in the final tweaks and those required cuts and no boosts."

Randy, since I was aware that you expected to receive the SMS-1 on Monday, I was eagerly anticipating seeing some graphs last night. I've been able to keep calm, but let's see those EQ graphs; bring 'em on!
Randy, when I wake tomorrow, I expect to see some improved graphs .
I'd say Randy's graph looks pretty good already, except for the dip around 110 Hz. Nice job the SMS-1 does in helping to just position the sub.

Welcome to the club!
Congrats Randy. You found the sweet spot in your room. That is a terrific response curve you have there with no equalization! There is not much you can do about the null at 110hz except maybe experiment with more bass traps, and its not that deep anyway. Before tinkering with the parametric filters you may want to tweak the phase in the SMS first to see if you can get a smoother curve.

With regards to my graph, it was accomplished with 3 subs of which one was an EP600, the others were a velo dd-18 and a JL 113. The latter 2 subs provided the extension below 17hz and reinforcement above 100hz, the 600s brickwall filters. More important than extension, the added output above 100hz in my room helped smooth a null I had around 120hz.

I'm hoping Axiom will provide a firmware update sometime to change the brickwall on the 500/600s from 100hz to 120hz. That would help in rooms with nulls slightly above 100hz or with blending in monitors and smaller speakers.
Thanks everyone, off to work, no time to graph this morning.

Jakeman and JohnK, I did try moving my mains off the stage and sit them on the floor, that improved the dip above 100hz. I wonder if having them up on the 8" stage is the problem...John (Jakeman) I did mess with the plarity, but it seemed best where it was, as I moved it higher the curve created more dips/peaks and was not as flat. I suppost since I have the sub on 180, it worked best to leave at 0.
My biggest question is, what's up with the Commodore 64 interface?

Can't be a C64. The screen has a character capacity of more than 40x25.
Never had a C64 with a 52 x 93inch screen.
Randy, I cannot believe that you went to work today. What's the matter with you? Are you not a true audiophile ?
As you know, I would be the first to call in sick, ha ha, to play with my equipment. I'm working on a big upgrade for the application I support, so I had to work today.

On the flip side, my lovely wife and kids took off today to visit her folks 3hrs north. So I'm heading after work to get a haircut, followed by Compusa to get a serial cable to upgrade the firmware on the SMS-1. Gotta get that subsonic freq down to 5hz, per Jakeman.
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