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Posted By: Zarak Radiohead - 12/14/07 01:21 AM
I downloaded the new album, In Rainbows, and I like it, so I thought I would add another Radiohead album to my Christmas list for this year. For the most part I like what I have heard from them, but never really got into them, so why not start now.

I'm assuming there are some Radiohead fans here, so I'd like to ask which album would be a good one to get next? I've probably heard the most hype about OK Computer (only really know Karma Police from this one, and it is one of my lesser liked songs of what I've heard from them) and Kid A. Is one of these a good next step, or would something else be better?

Thanks for the input.
Posted By: St_PatGuy Re: Radiohead - 12/14/07 01:33 AM
"OK Computer" is an awesome album to start with. I don't know how "In Rainbows" sounds, and can't give you a frame of reference. "The Bends" is good and pretty straightforward. "Kid A" and "Amnesiac" are on the experimental side and chancy if you are just getting in to them. "Hail to the Thief" is also very good, but maybe not as immediately catchy as the earlier stuff. It's one of those that grow on you.

"OK Computer" is widely considered a seminal album and is a safe starting point.
Posted By: vassillios Re: Radiohead - 12/14/07 11:19 PM
I second OK Computer
Posted By: Jordan Re: Radiohead - 12/16/07 06:26 PM
It really depends what kind of sound you like. The bends is straight up indie-rock and easy to listen to. Ok Computer is a bridge from the Bends to Ok computer and Amnesiac which are much more experimental, and my two favorite radiohead albums. Hail to the thief starts turning back towards ok computer, kind of, as does in rainbows.

"I Might Be Wrong" is a live recordings album and is nothing less than stellar.


Posted By: vassillios Re: Radiohead - 12/17/07 12:27 AM
IMHO, In rainbows is the best album since OK Computer, maybe best RH ever.
Posted By: Zarak Re: Radiohead - 12/17/07 02:12 AM
So basically, I might just have to try them all ;\)
Posted By: blackstar79 Re: Radiohead - 12/17/07 05:06 AM

ok with that out of the way. i'd have to say my list goes like this from #1 to ...

1. Amnesiac (many don't like it but it's got some nice sounds to it and in terms of your axioms it would probably be the most interesting.
2. Kid A (same as the above)
3. Ok Computer
4. The Bends
5. Hail to the thief (some pretty interesting sounds on this one too)
6. In rainbows (hopefully when the CD comes out in Jan/08 will be able to hear something better than 160kbps
7. Pablo Honey.

then there's a bunch of B Sides which can be good.

This is just my prefs but Amnesiac and Kid A are quite nice in their complexity..that's the great thing about radiohead the songs have so many layers that with good speakers like the Axioms every time you listen you'll hear things you didn't hear before
Posted By: KC23 Re: Radiohead - 12/17/07 06:55 AM
Not a fan, but I did take notice of them sticking it to the big record labels execs by offering it up for a free download with a donation rather than give the $ to the gold digging absurd contract big record lable theives.
Posted By: Zarak Re: Radiohead - 12/17/07 10:11 PM
I believe they also did that and then shortly after announced it would also come out on CD, so some fans that paid for it online because they wanted to support the band now have to pay for it again to get in CD if they want the better quality.

I could be wrong, but I don't think they announced this was the plan ahead of time, which isn't a nice way to treat the fans if that is true.
Posted By: blackstar79 Re: Radiohead - 12/18/07 04:26 AM
when in rainbows came out online they weren't hiding the fact that it would be coming out on CD at a later date. in fact they were also giving people the optionof buying a "deluxe" package which would include CD's and LP's of in rainbows along with some bonus songs.
offering the album online could almost be looked at as a preview to the upcoming CD. after all, you COULD pay for the download but you could also get it for free, no charge, completely up to the customer..i for one plan on getting the CD even though i paid 5pounds for the download.
Posted By: Zarak Re: Radiohead - 12/18/07 05:19 PM
OK, some of the articles I read about it made it sound like they didn't tell people first.

It was a good move for them to do I think, because it got someone like me to give one of their albums a listen. I liked it, so now I am interested in some of their previous work as well.

It's the old give it to them free and hope they like it and will pay for more later.
Posted By: blackstar79 Re: Radiohead - 12/19/07 04:27 AM
in their case i think for them it was more "look at us we're rebels and screw that DRM" funny thing is more people ended up pirating this album than getting it legally for free...
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