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Posted By: Abbygator General advice regarding M2/M3, VP100 - 07/19/08 07:09 PM
Hi guys,

I posted a similar thread on another board, but wanted to see what members of this board thought.

1). I was going to get M2s and the VP100, then thought about the M3. I think I'll stick to the M2 as I'm primarily using them for HT/TV/games. I came across a CNET review of a package system with M3s and the VP100. The review stated the VP100's dialogue sounded muffled and didn't match well with the M3 they were using. I talked to an Axiom rep who assured me the VP100 is voice-matched for the M2,M3, M22 and M60. I like the Axioms for the 'bang for the buck', but would steer clear if the center and fronts can't get along.

2). I noticed the M3/M2 have titanium tweeters and aluminum woofers, resulting in crisper, yet brighter sounds. I've not had experience with both metal tweeters and woofers. How are your experiences with titanium/aluminum tweeters and woofers?

3). Basically I'm eyeballing an upgrade to my HTIB. Right now it seems down to Polks (RTIA1, TSI series), Paradigm (Atom), AV123 X-series. Any general advice vs Axiom M2s? I've only auditioned the Atoms, which sounded good to my ears. None of the B&M stores around me have Polk anything set up in a decent configuration.

Thanks guys. I appreciate any advice. * Note - here's the link to the CNET review
Posted By: jakewash Re: General advice regarding M2/M3, VP100 - 07/19/08 07:32 PM
I just responded to your question on avs.

I find the M3 to sound more muffled than the the VP100/150, it is possible the reviewer had a connection problem or a bad driver.

I also find the VP series to be a near perfect match to the M2, M22, M60 and M80. The M3s have a slightly more laid back sound that the others do not have, IMO.

I find Paradigms and Axiom to have a similar sound, somewhat forward/bright as some say.

You could always check for an audition in the hearing things forum or just order the VP100 to see if it sounds like something you might like to purchase, this way you only have ship back 1 speaker. If you purchase the rest of the speakers with in the 30 day window Axiom usually credits the HT 5% discount and if you purchase from the Factory Outlet you can save even more.
Posted By: grunt Re: General advice regarding M2/M3, VP100 - 07/20/08 01:30 AM
Hi Abbygator,

1). Just a thought, if you are getting bookshelf speakers and can fit one of them above or below your screen you should really consider using one identical to what you buy for your left/right mains as have three matching speakers up front is the ideal situation.

2). I have the M80s which have the same drivers as the M2 and M3 speakers and find that they sound perfect to me in my room. Some complain that the M80s sound bright especially at higher volumes but I don’t ever recall reading that about the M2 or M3 speakers.

3). You might consider going back to the B&M stores and listening to as many speakers as you can and taking notes on what you like or don’t like. Even if you have no intention on buying the speakers it will give you some examples you could post and others could better comment on how the speakers you are considering sound compared to those you listened to. However, in the end you won’t know what they will sound like until you get them into your own room and listen to them. Also if you are considering any of the brands that offer free shipping both ways then ordering and listening to them in your own room is a good idea, unless you don’t want to be bothered with testing and possibly shipping back several setups.

Many speakers companies have forums where you may be able to hook up with an owner and listen to the speakers you are considering, if you haven‘t already looked.

Posted By: JohnK Re: General advice regarding M2/M3, VP100 - 07/20/08 02:30 AM
Abby, welcome. First, a comment on your point 2). No, we shouldn't have preconceived notions about a relation between driver materials and the sound of a speaker. Titanium and aluminum don't "result" in a crisp and bright sound or anything else; the total design, especially the crossover, could make for a quite dull sound, regardless of the driver materials. The excellence of the Axiom speakers results from a combination of design factors.

As to the M2s specifically, they should serve you very well. If you haven't studied it before, probably the most thorough test and review of the M2s is found in the SoundStage review with NRC measurements here .
Posted By: anthony11 Re: General advice regarding M2/M3, VP100 - 07/20/08 02:48 AM
FWIW, IMHO, I've often found in other product categories that CNET's reviews often enough display cluelessness and/or a puzzling disconnection from reality.
Posted By: Abbygator Re: General advice regarding M2/M3, VP100 - 07/20/08 05:08 PM
Thanks for your replies! Definitely cleared some things up. I admit I know very little about useful audio topics and next to nothing on Axiom. My brother is also looking for a similar set up (visiting him now). I'm leaning a bit towards Axiom, while he's leaning a bit towards Paradigm Atoms or the AV123 X-Series. I'll let you know how it plays out. We'll both probably spend another couple of months mulling things lol.
Posted By: anthony11 Re: General advice regarding M2/M3, VP100 - 07/21/08 06:56 AM
I've thought at times about going with Paradigms when I can make my move, but then I remember the stories I've read about Paradigm and dealers refusing to honor their warranty.
Posted By: fredk Re: General advice regarding M2/M3, VP100 - 07/21/08 04:17 PM
My impression of Paradigm vs Axiom is that with Axiom you get 90-100% of the sound quality for 1/2 the price. In the case of M22s vs Studio 40s, you are getting 80-90% of the sound quality for 1/3 of the price. There is an exellent review on audioholics comparing these two and how they differ.

I havn't seen any direct comparisons between the atom and the M2/M3.

IMO part of what you are paying for is Paradigm's reputation in the market. Either way, you will be getting quality speakers. It just depends on what is important to you.
Posted By: casey01 Re: General advice regarding M2/M3, VP100 - 07/21/08 05:22 PM
I mentioned this in an earlier comment but it is important to note that most of the Canadian speaker manufacturers got their R&D start utilizing the facilities of the NRC in Ottawa, namely their anechoic chamber which allows one to test their speakers in a perfect acoustically dead environment. The goal: to produce a speaker that is as neutral and transparent as possible. All these companies now have grown to the point where they now have their own testing facility to accomplish the same thing. Fredk is pretty accurate in his comparison between Axiom and Paradigm so essentially there shouldn't be much difference in what the listener hears between each product. Where the differences are, of course is in the design finish and of course, distribution. Paradigm, PSB etc. have chosen to go the dealer route, whereas after a number of years doing the similar thing, Axiom chose to switch strictly to the internet which allows much more flexible sales and distribution channels and eliminates the middle man thus being able to offer considerable better value as opposed to the others. I, personally, have seen this more and more even with start-up companies who specialize in certain products, once a positive reputation is developed thru users and the press they don't have to compete with all the other store brands in a retail environment.(i.e Axiom, Oppo, Outlaw, Emotiva, SVS, HSU, AVS etc. etc.)

This is probably getting a little off the track of the original question but when you look at this impressive line-up you really can't go wrong and at the same time you won't have to endure the torture of a retailer.
Posted By: fredk Re: General advice regarding M2/M3, VP100 - 07/21/08 07:31 PM
Funny, I auditioned Paradigm and PSB before settling on Axiom. Never did a side by side audition though.
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