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Posted By: JohnS Axiom Vs. Onix Rockets - 05/28/03 01:22 AM
Has anyone done much comparison or any comparison between the Axiom's and the Rockets? Specifically the top of the line models? The Rockets seem to be much heavier and different on freq. responses. Both seem to be in the same ball park price wise. Axiom's use more speakers per cabinet on their mains and centers. Dont know about the different speakers or crossovers. Just looking for plusses and minuses on both to possibly make a decision. Anyone????
Posted By: sushi Re: Axiom Vs. Onix Rockets - 05/29/03 12:12 AM
I have listened to the Rockets only briefly, but I can tell you that it has a markedly different tonal character from the Axioms. In short, the Rockets are much more laid-back, mellow and relaxed as compared with the Axioms, which are more detailed, airy and transparent. Some people think that the Axioms are too bright, whereas others describe the Rockets too laid-back or dull. It is largely the matter of preference, but they definitely sound different.

The mellow and laid-back character of the Rockets are intentionally voiced that way, according to the public statements by their designers. Similarly, the Axioms are voiced by Ian Colquhoun to what he deems as the most "accurate" sound. So, each of these speakers heavily reflects its engineer's philosophy, too.

Do not try to read too much into the speaker specs. Unless they are measured under the identical conditions, they are basically meaningless for inter-brand comparisons. Also, I would not be concerned too much about the number of drivers and other "design decisions" -- after all, the resulting sound quality is all that matters.

Finally, everybody seems to agree that the Rockets' real-wood veneer finish is gorgeous, as long as the appearance (only one finish available) meets your taste.
Posted By: Mad_Dog Re: Axiom Vs. Onix Rockets - 05/29/03 12:34 AM
Sushi is right on w/ his post...

i compared them both...very different sounding speakers...don't bother looking at specs either...specs can't tell you how a speaker sounds...

try to audition both and decide for yourself...

both are better values than can be had at b&m shops though...good luck
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