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Posted By: Ichigo_Kurosaki Weird question. - 07/27/10 12:45 AM
If you weren't getting your Axioms what would you get instead?
Posted By: BlueJays1 Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 01:01 AM
Are we talking about a world where money grows on trees? If that's the case I would be getting something from Revel.
Posted By: fredk Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 01:06 AM
I don`t think I could afford what I want in terms of sound. I would love something like the Paradigm Sig. 8 or the newer top end PSB speakers. Even those are out of my range.

I probably would have ended up hunting down something used.
Posted By: 80'sMan Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 03:13 AM
It was Paradigm or PSB for me too. It was Axiom's value for the dollar that helped me make my decision.
Posted By: Adrian Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 03:17 AM
Same here. Also liked the Monitor Audio's(RS/RX)and would have liked to hear the top of the line OMD's from Mirage to satisfy my curiousity. Oh, also liked Totems, and.....
Posted By: ClubNeon Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 04:25 AM
I'm with the Doctor, Revel.
Posted By: pmbuko Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 04:34 AM
The audio dealer that I bought my Paradigm Monitor 9s from had a pair of Revel Ultima Studios in their high-end showroom. I asked to listen to them. They were fantastic.
Posted By: ClubNeon Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 05:33 AM
Only Studios? Pah. I'd get the Salons. laugh
Posted By: ClubNeon Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 05:37 AM
Really though. After reading everything I could get my eyes on about Revel, and just wondering what body parts I could sell to afford set from any of their ranges. I started seeing mentions of Axiom. It impressed me how many of their design philosophies were the same, except where Revel spared no expense to deliver a design well into the realm of diminishing returns, it seems that Axiom took the more pragmatic approach.

We see what I ended up buying. And I still have all my organs.
Posted By: CatBrat Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 12:04 PM
I was looking at Bose, just going from a HTIB. I listened to the Bose Acoustimas 10 in a store and didn't like them. They sounded shrill and rasping to my ears. So, I got online and googled for audiophile speakers. Axiom Audio is the first one that came up, that I clicked on anyway. The price was higher that I was willing to pay at the time. I was also building a new PC and was looking for high(er) end speakers than what I had. Almost bought the Audiobytes, but I already spent $2k on it and decided to just live with what I already had. Later I ordered a pair of bookshelf M22 v2 and was satisfied with their sound. Then purchased the on-wall version and was not so satisfied. I wish I had returned them, but it took me much too long to make up my mind about them. I will be buying more Axiom speakers, but the bookshelf and/or tower versions only.
Posted By: BlueJays1 Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 12:57 PM
Originally Posted By: ClubNeon
I'm with the Doctor, Revel.

Yup, that is exactly what I would get. grin cool
Posted By: BlueJays1 Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 01:45 PM
Originally Posted By: ClubNeon
Really though. After reading everything I could get my eyes on about Revel, and just wondering what body parts I could sell to afford set from any of their ranges. I started seeing mentions of Axiom. It impressed me how many of their design philosophies were the same, except where Revel spared no expense to deliver a design well into the realm of diminishing returns, it seems that Axiom took the more pragmatic approach.

We see what I ended up buying. And I still have all my organs.

Revel is just one of the many brands made by Harman International. It just happens to be their "high-end", no cutting of corners option. Harman employs the same methodology and research philosophies as Axiom (based on the works of Toole et al) but on a much larger budget and scale. They also conduct extensive controlled double blind testings of their products set up by Dr. Olive.

The Infinity and JBL brands are more in line with Axiom. Infinity more so.
Posted By: ClubNeon Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 02:00 PM
Actually, there was a step in between my research of Revel, and buying Axioms, it was researching JBL's product line. I came pretty close to buying the L series, but while trying to get over the look of all the silver accents, I found Axiom.

I also knew of Infinity. There was a local seller who carried their stuff years ago. I didn't like them then; reading their product information of today still left me cold. Their marketing is a little too hyperbolic, their design claims a little too dubious as to their actual acoustical improvements. Not at all Axiom-like, at least from a marketing standpoint.
Posted By: michael_d Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 03:13 PM
Never heard Revel. They do look purdy though...

A friend of mine has a set of Hush Puppies. Most hideous looking beasts I've ever seen. I wasn't terribly impressed with how they sound either.

I needed a second set of speakers a couple years back, looked at many and ended up with Wharfedale Opus 2-2 in piano black. I've been very happy with and have not heard anything, or seen anything I'd rather have yet.
Posted By: CatBrat Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 03:22 PM
For every pro there's a con, I guess. To me the Revel's just looked like so much plastic.
Posted By: ClubNeon Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 03:43 PM
Yes, lovely, smooth, shiny plastic. smile I'd even forgo the optional wood veneer, and get the all black model. The whole enclosure's shape is defined by physical requirements to account for some measurement. It just isn't possible to get wood to meet those demands.

They do have other lines if you like wooden crates. wink
Posted By: pmbuko Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 04:59 PM
My high school had a bunch of Performas.
Posted By: ClubNeon Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 05:12 PM
Lucky! My high school has Bose. frown (And I broke one having my Music History teacher play a mix of Nine Inch Nails and Whitney Houston I had made--I called it "I Will Always Love Pain.")
Posted By: pmbuko Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 05:23 PM
Not that kind of Performa, though. These kind.
Posted By: ClubNeon Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 05:25 PM
Oh, in that case my high school had a bunch of PS/2s. (Not the Sony kind without the slash.)
Posted By: Ichigo_Kurosaki Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 08:38 PM
What are the differences between the Harmon product lines?
Posted By: Ichigo_Kurosaki Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 08:57 PM
Besides Axiom is there any good speaker manufacturer that would ship outside USA and Canada? I think Ascend and SVS do. Have any of you guys compared the sound between them and Axioms?
Posted By: ClubNeon Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 09:04 PM
Originally Posted By: Ichigo_Kurosaki
What are the differences between the Harmon product lines?

Price (and thus sound quality allowing for diminishing returns at the high end).

For instance a pair of Revel Salon2 speakers costs $22,000.
Posted By: BlueJays1 Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 09:13 PM
In regards to Infinity and JBL products, the Infinity Primus line is probably the most well regarded among audiophiles for bringing value and performance. In both subjective evaluation and objective analysis. It is a very accessible line for consumers as well.

Posted By: a401classic Re: Weird question. - 07/27/10 11:08 PM
I was originally looking at a Paradigm Reference Studio 100 based 5.1 system. I never even got to hear it, so I don't know what I may not be missing. I was also looking at a Klipsch RF-63 5.1 system as well. I was able to hear a 2.0 system using the same mains somewhere, but it was way toooooo bright for my liking.

I am very happy with what I have. Now that a closer-to-M80 center is available, I've got upgrade-itis. It will have to wait....

Posted By: BlueJays1 Re: Weird question. - 07/28/10 01:32 AM
Originally Posted By: ClubNeon
Originally Posted By: Ichigo_Kurosaki
What are the differences between the Harmon product lines?

Price (and thus sound quality allowing for diminishing returns at the high end).

For instance a pair of Revel Salon2 speakers costs $22,000.

This pic gives a good perspective on the sheer size of the cabinet.

Posted By: Ichigo_Kurosaki Re: Weird question. - 07/28/10 03:17 AM
Originally Posted By: Dr.House
Originally Posted By: ClubNeon
Originally Posted By: Ichigo_Kurosaki
What are the differences between the Harmon product lines?

Price (and thus sound quality allowing for diminishing returns at the high end).

For instance a pair of Revel Salon2 speakers costs $22,000.

This pic gives a good perspective on the sheer size of the cabinet.

LOL That's huge! Guess that just one speaker would be enough for my small room. LOL
Posted By: mpyw Re: Weird question. - 07/28/10 09:20 AM
I was looking at the PSB Imagine series before came across the Axiom. The 4ohms requirement of the PSB put me off and when I saw the Axiom and read the reviews of if, I just say " what the heck.." and buy it without ever hearing it at all...
Posted By: RickF Re: Weird question. - 07/28/10 07:02 PM
Originally Posted By: Ichigo_Kurosaki
If you weren't getting your Axioms what would you get instead?

If I didn't get Axioms ... the TV room would still be a screened room, the back yard would still be grass instead of a screened pool and a 30-32' center console boat would be what I'd be sporting around in instead of the 25 footer we got because I couldn't afford the 32 footer I wanted!

Dammit Axiom ... see what you did. mad
Posted By: Adrian Re: Weird question. - 07/28/10 07:39 PM
Rick, that's quite a sacrifice....settling for "only" a 25 foot boat over the 32 footer! laugh

Of course, you could own some Revels and buy yourself a 12 ft dinghy instead!
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