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Posted By: md55 M50s & M22s compared & reviewed (long) - 04/14/04 05:07 AM
A few days a go I recieved an email from someone considering Axiom speakers who read my early review of M50s on the audioreview website. He was disgruntled a bit that the Axiom forum has virtually no posts that are really informative about the M50s or the M40s. I have noticed myself a notable bias for the M22 and M60 on the forum. So much so that is was surprising to learn what relatively big sellers the 40s and 50s are. So owning both M22s and M50s I was finally motivated to do a direct comparison.

So I brought the M22s out from the bedroom and set them on top of the M50s. I then listened to two recordings that have seemed like aspects of them were lacking on the M50s.

The first was a Chinese HDCD recording of a couple piano sonatas. It has always struck me as somehow lacking a certain life and I wondered if it was the M50s. The other is the first disc of the Rodrigo Guitar pieces. The guitar has always sounded wonderful but the orchestra has never seemed as clear or present. So I thought these would be good recordings to see if the M22s added something to the experience that the M50s lacked.

I went back and forth between the speakers in fairly short snatches of music sometimes playing the same passages over again. First, the difference in sound was not great. Listening to the piano the M22s were just a bit more lively sounding, like there was more air around the piano strings. The piano sounded a bit less substantial than with the M50s. Very pleasant and enjoyable to listen to though. The M50s were a litle less lively or bright as though there was not quite as much light in the room. On the other hand the piano sounded more full and substantial, more resonant in the lower midrange. On the Rodrigo the orchestra was a litle more forward with the M22s. The strings seemed just a touch clearer as though there was a little more space between the instruments. With the M50s the orchestra was more subdued, the instruments a little less distinct but fuller toward the bottom end. More substantial in the room.

Both were very enjoyable. The music in either case was delightful to listen to when focused on like this. I came away appreciating both recordings more than I had before. The two speakers offer something a little different from each other, but both very enjoyable.

My conclusion was that if I had to choose one over the other I would go with the M50s. At the same time I can now understand what I think the M60s would have to offer over either one.

A few other comments on the M50s. They are used in a home theater set up with and older model VP150 with the earlier TWWWT configuration. They blend seamlessly for home theater to my ear. I use Michaura M55s which were made by axiom for surrounds. For music listening I generally listen in my Outlaw 1050's phantom mode which turns off the center speaker but sends some signal the surrounds. I can not tell that there is any sound comming from the surrounds unless I walk back behind them and listen closely. The effect though, over stereo listening, is that the sound field is expanded and more enveloping while seeming to be a stereo image. I do not care for the sound of music played in five channel modes other than something five channel like the DTS 5.1 Eagles Hell Freezes Over DVD. The exception to this being some recordings recorded in large halls like an organ/pan pipe performmance which comes alive in 5 channel in the 1050's Hall dsp.

I mention this because I find that the M50s, VP150 and Michauras with their two 5 1/4" aluminum woofers & 3/4" titanium tweeter all blend well together. Better than the Axiom CT20 center channel did with the M50s.

So overall I don't find timber matching the M50s with the other Axiom Millenium line speakers is a problem as has been sometimes suggested. I even spent a few periods listening to one M50 and one M22. This also worked much better than I would have thought. Well timber matched but less symetrical, like the sound you would naturally get hearing with the natually asymetric assembly of musicians.

When I aquire a subwoofer I may do another comparison session.

My other thought is that I may build some stands that lift the M50s up about 8 inches so the tweeters are more at ear level from my listening position. The soundstage often seems as though I'm somewhat above it listening to the M50's.
Posted By: Ken.C Re: M50s & M22s compared & reviewed (long) - 04/14/04 05:11 AM
Thank you very much for that review! I'm edging towards the M50s (yes a lot due to WAF), and this review helps solidify my choice.

Thanks for even further insight regarding the M50's. I am the man who sent you that letter. I greatly appreciate and thank you for the long letter I got back in return. You cleared up a lot of the smoke and misconceptions that so many try to make you believe about the M50's.

To all those considering the M50's, listen to Mark. The man's got the M50's as well as the M22's, so he knows what he's talking about.

If you're thinking the M50's are the way you want to go, then you should get them. If they don't turn out to be everything you like and are wanting, then send them back and exchange them for the M22's or M60's. Odds are, you won't be disappointed in what the M50's do, provide, and have to offer. In fact, everyone I know who has or has heard the M50's were completely blown away by them.

Mark, I sent you a PM. Kudos to ya bud!

Sutter Cane

Posted By: Michael_A Re: M50s & M22s compared & reviewed (long) - 04/14/04 12:20 PM
That was one of the best comparison articles that I have ever read. I always wondered about the M50s. I feel like I know them now.

Mark, 2 subs will be showing up at your house next week. Fire 'em up and take a listen. Send the keeper here and the other one back. If you would be so kind as to drop an article like this in the box, I'll be able to explain to my friends why I bought the one that I did.
Posted By: Ajax Re: M50s & M22s compared & reviewed (long) - 04/14/04 12:25 PM

You are correct. With a few exceptions, there are "virtually no posts that are really informative about the M50s or the M40s" here on the forum. Hence, your well written and thoughtful review is most welcome.

I think the lack of information on the M40s and M50s here on the forum, is less due to "bias" than it is to lack of experience. It's difficult to be informative about a speaker you've never heard and with which you have no experience.
Posted By: Ray3 Re: M50s & M22s compared & reviewed (long) - 04/14/04 12:56 PM
Bravo Mark - nice piece of work to add to the knowledge of this equipment.
Posted By: chesseroo Re: M50s & M22s compared & reviewed (long) - 04/14/04 03:56 PM
Although many ppl speak of the M22 and M60s, there really are not alot of posted consumer reviews about them here either, at least not that many posts specifically setup with such a topic header.

There are some more reviews on the M50s here and here.

Glad you took the time to do some critical listening b/w the two. The differences are never as large as some ppl 'worry' they will be.
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